This study is targeting mainly two following objectives:
1. To investigate the Management of Information Systems within
FINABANK SA, for the 2004-2008 time frame.
2. To analyze upon the contribution of Information Systems upon
FINABANK's better banking services for the 2004-2008 time frame.
6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.1. Techniques used
According to HEFFERMAN LINCOLN says that book and other
sources used in research may be classified as primary or secondary. In this
study, the researcher used both primary and secondary sources of data in
relation with this topic.6
6.1.1. Primary source of data
According to HEFFERMAN and LINCOLN, primary source is any
first hand account of an experience or discovery. They go on stating that
writings of this kind generally give firsthand information about a topic.
BAIRLEY asserts that the primary data are eyewitness accounts written by people
who experienced a particular event or behavior. He also says that primary
documents include any origin document, which is not based or delivery from
other documents.7
6 HEFFERNAN, L. «Research
methodology,» Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, MA, 1982, p.428
7 2nd
BAIRLEY, M. « Research methodology, the basics,»
Edition, HarperCollins, New York, 1987, p.28
Three techniques were used to get primary data used in this
study: These are interview, observation techniques and questionnaire. Structured Interview Technique
The structures interview is an oriented and face to face
conversation between an interviewer and a respondent which is conducted for the
purpose of obtaining information on an issue. This technique is helpful only
when if is flexible to use. It is appropriate to studying respondent's
attitudes, values, beliefs and motives.8
In this research the interview was conducted face to face
between me and respondents, mainly heads of some departments (Information
Technology, Finance and Human Resources and Management Information Systems) of
FINABANK SA. Observation Technique
Observation involves data collection and other senses of human
being based on nonverbal behaviors in a research.
The Observation technique used to help the researcher to make a
follower-up upon the customer care in FINABANK SA within the period of
6.1.2. Secondary source of data
BRENDA SPATT explains that the secondary source can be any
commentary written both after and about the primary source. In the present
study, to get data of the style
8 HELMUST, S. «Techniques de
recherché, » HOTELS, Octobre, 1990, p.35
from books, internet web site, annual reports, financial
statements and other official documents, different techniques have been
used:9 Documentary technique
This technique have been used to search written documents related
the Management Information System.
For a better analysis and synthesis of several data collected,
the researcher has used the following methods: Quantitative, Historical,
Analytical, Comparative and Synthesis.