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Surviying natural ressources "economics aspects"

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ISC - Master en gestion et planification des projets d'investissement 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

V.4. Water Resources in the DRC

The DRC possesses important and strategic water natural resources: 7% of the world reserves.

Hydraulic potential is so enormous that with Inga site alone, the DRC can provide the whole central Africa with electric energy.

The major part of natural water resources is found in the overcrowded areas without any framework and without any use in lasting agriculture.

In spate of such enormous water resources, desertification is drawing nearer and nearer, and necessary provisions need to be taken to protect rivers and streams in order to prevent water rarefication. This explains why there are sub- regional organizations like the Nile basin initiative, the Congo basin organization, Organization for Tanganyika Lake biodiversity.

V.5. Congolese National Parks and Fauna Reserve

Management of Congolese natural resources also takes place through measuring protected areas. Even unprotected by the provision of forest code. Protected arears contain rare animal species that run the risk of extinction if protection measures are not taken. Congolese national parks are the following ones according to Professor AYOBANGIRA:

- Virunga Park: created in 1925, it is rich in fauna and flora with many animal and vegetal species. It is localized in North Kivu province.

- Garamba Park is localized in Oriental province near Congo-Sudan border and it measures 4920 km². It was crested in 1928 and it also rich in fauna and flora.

- Kahuzi Biega Park: localized in South Kivu near Congo -Burundi border, it covers 6000 km² and it rich in fauna and flora.

- Kundelungu Park: localized in Katanga, it was created in 1970 and it cover 7600 Km². Like the other ones, it is rich in fauna and flora.

- Maiko Park: rich in flora ind flora, it is located half in North-Kivu and half in the Oriental province. It was created in 1070 and it covers 10830 Km².

- Salonga Park: it overlaps Bandudu, equator and western Kasai. It was created 1970 and covers 36.000 Km².

- Upemba Park: was created in 1939 and covers 11730 Km².It is located in Katanga Province and Kundelungu Park it contains the Zebra animal species.

In the addition to the national perks, there are fauna reserves like:

- The OKAPI fauna reserve in Ituri has area of 13,762 Km² and was created in 1992.

- Mangrove Marine Park: with an area of 786 Km², it was created in 1992 and it located in moanda territory and it is rich in hippopotamuses, crocodiles, tortoises snakes.

The management of Congolese national parks and reserves is dealt with by the DRC in collaboration with the World Bank because they are part of the world heritage. Water, mining and forest resources are spread all over the country and specifically in the provinces.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld