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Obama and The U.S.A self image( Télécharger le fichier original )par kawther tradi institut superieur des etudes appliques en humanites de Gafsa-Tunisie - maitrise en langue et literature englaise 2009 |
Policy making is by no means an easy task. It determins a nation's status among other nations and its destiney. This was the case for George W.Bush's not only policy but the whole administration. It is obvious that the United States has lost its reputation due to him. His moral arrogance, his heavy dependence on violent military intervention, his refusal to deal with the world bodies like the U.N, the illegitimate war that he had waged Iraq and thus the Islamic morld, his violation to human rights incarnated in the Guantanamo Prison... A very long list of transgressions made by George.W. Bush led to the strong feeling of resentement and hatred shared almost by people around the globe and severly damaged the American self-image. America has lost it allies and friends due to its hawkish policy based mainly on self-interest, and it has been hard for the latters to trust the United States again, and this in some way has left the U.S.A an isolated nation outside and vulnerable to terrorist attacks, the U.S.A biggest fear. These are the reasons behind people's deception and raise strong Anti-Americanism especially because of the administration's military -based diplomacy seen mostly over the past 8 years. These are the reasons behind the credibility crisis that America has been going through as it becomes difficult for it to deal with both national and international issues. It seems that George.W. Bush is the number one accused for this deterioration. No one can deny the fact that every body was thrill to the fact that George W. Bush is no longer the president of the United States. This ment new change, new promises, a lot of hope and optimism. Barack Obama is totally aware of the current situation in which the U.S.A has been stuck. He knew that America will not be able to confront the terror coming from other nations unless it is supported by its allies and friends, and in order to regain their confidence, he must establish a policy in which he will work hand in hand with them. What I wanted to highlight in my dissertation is the fat that policy making matters a lot in shaping nations' attitudes and opinions towards other nations, let alone the United States of America. In fact, George. W. Bush with his policy brought the U.S image down; however, Barack Obama brings it to higher level, a fresh one; new ideas, new spirit, more respect for the intrnainal scene, promises that the world has been longing for right after Bush's exit. Works CitedBarack Obama, Inaugaural Speech, January 20th, 2009. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/us_elections/article5554819.ece Barack Obama, Berlin, January8, 2008. http://www.reobama.com/SpeechesJan0808.htm Bill Scheider, Why Europe Loves Barack Obama? The Compaign Trail. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/07/04/obama.europe/index.html Brent Scowcroft, Don't Attack Saddam, Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2002. David Jayne Hill, Americanism: What Is It? New York: D Appleton, 1918. Deborah White, Barack Obama'S Stirring 2002 Speech Against the Iraq War. http://usliberals.about.com/od/extraordinaryspeeches/a/Obama2002War.htm Ed Henry and Elisse Labot, George Mitchall Named Special envoy for the Middle East. http://edition.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/01/22/obama.mitchell/index.html Ian Williams, Winning Back Hearts and Minds, Guardian.CO.UK. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cifamerica/2008/nov/06/barack-obama-foreign-policy Irving Kristol, the Neo-Conservative Persuasion, Weekly Standards, August 25, 2003. Jonathan Rose, History Leif Erickson to 1865, Drew University. Karsten.D.Voights, Transatlantic Relations following the U.S Election: New Perspectives With President Obama. http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/diplo/en/Infoservice/Presse/Reden/2009/090421- Voigt-AmericanCouncil.html Lawrence Kaplan and William Kristol, the War over Iraq: Saddam's Tyranny and America's Mission, San Francisco: Encounter, 2003. Marc Ginsberg, Changing Perceptions about the U.S.A in the Arab World, Huffington Post. Marie- France Toine, Does Anti Americanism Exist? In Lacorne et al. eds. Rise and Fall. Hardcover. Martin Schultz, Obama Must Restore America Moral Credebility, Compass. http://www.compassonline.org.uk/news/item.asp?n=3388 Maureen Dowd, Quoted in Sifry and Cerf, ed, Iraq reader. Natasha Mozgovaya, Obama: We Will Agressively seek lasting Middle East Peace, Haaretz, January25, 2009. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1057966.html the Obama-Biden Iraq Agenda http://www.cfr.org/ publication/18311/obama-biden-Iraq-agenda-January.2009.html. Paul Hollander, Anti-Americanism, Critiques at Home and Abroad, 1990-1965, Oxford University Press, 1992. President Monroe, a State of the Union Message presented to congress in 1827. Remarks by the President On Iraq, Cincinnati Meuseum Center, July10, 2002. http://www. White House. Gov/ news release/2002/10/print/2002I007-8 html. 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