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Obama and The U.S.A self image( Télécharger le fichier original )par kawther tradi institut superieur des etudes appliques en humanites de Gafsa-Tunisie - maitrise en langue et literature englaise 2009 |
2- Obama and the European World:Obama and his team were determined to restore the U.S.A reputation in the world and Europe in particular. 65(*)Obama promised that he will listen to the European and rebuild transatlantic partnership with them. He was determined to change the way with which America was perceived: "The day I'm inaugurated, America will look at itself differently, and the world will look at America differently,"(Obama, Berlin, Jermany, jan8, 2008). People strongly believed in him because of his charismatic personality and promise of fundamental change and his attempts to repair the damage done by George W. Bush's administration whose policy of unilateralism led to its unpopularity. According to Martin Scultz, «Through a return to our common values and goals, the natural allies - America and Europe - have the opportunity to solve global problems and build a new architecture of peace and stability in the world.» By this token, the policy of Unilateralism is useless, what is needed is a strong partnership and cooperation between the U.S.A and Europe. 66(*)In fact, Barack Obama seems to be more popular in Europe than in the U.S.A. Barack Obama is always highlighting the importance of the role the European allies play in the international scene. For instance, in the case of Aeghanistan, he stressed that the European allies will help the Americans carry the burden. His strong opposition to the Iraqi War which has long been unpopular in Europe contributed to this shift of attitudes toward the U.S.A. He has initiated change not only in Iraq but also in many different areas starting with the relation between with Iran and Russia to the closal of Guantanamo. For the Europeans, Barack Obama represents the antithesis of George.W.Bush and this is something which makes all the difference. For them, Barack Obama symbolizes the American spirit in the Europeans' hearts, he certainly represent the America that exist in the Europeans' wildest imagination. Didac Gutiérrez-Peris answered the question «why Europe does love Obama» in an article written for the Mundo Project by stating that: Europe would like to speak with one strong and respected voice, moving the world to fight against the climate change and poverty. Obama does this. Europe's greatest wish is to some day be a leader able to fight around the world for its values (democracy, human rights, justice, economical development, pacifism). Obama does this. Europe's biggest hope is to build an international system where multilateralism and the power of ideas will always be stronger than military power and unilateral acts. Eight years of Bush's Administration have shown how Europe is not ready at all to accomplish the hard task of being leader of the world. Unfortunately, we have shown that we are not ready to replace even a leader more worried about his internal problems (as United States did during the Bush Administration) than about the world. Europeans have definitively shown their lack of unity and their weak capacity to produce hope and courage among their citizens. Why does Europe love Obama? It is not difficult to answer: it's simply because he represents our failure as Europeans to play an important role in the international arena. Because he represents the future, and not the past. Because with just a strong political discourse and the power of rhetoric he can produce record-breaking participation in the election, while Europeans politicians provoke exactly the opposite. One united country speaking with one voice, an international reputation and the power of ideas: that's Obama, as well as the European dream. (Didac Gutiérrez-Peris). This feeling of admiration that Europeans share for Barack Obama is shown when the latter visited London and 67(*)when more than 50.000 people turned out to cheer him. When asked about their opinions about Barack Obama and the role he is going to play in restoring the U.S.A self-image, they said that «Obama is the symbol of American renewal. They know three things about him. That he is young. That he is African-American. And that he has a Muslim name. Europeans live in countries with large, unassimilated Muslim minorities. The idea that someone with Obama's name and background could become President of the United States astonishes and impresses them. Europeans are thrilled by the idea that the United States can suddenly transform itself from a pariah in the world into an inspiration to the world.» (Bill Schneider). The Europeans are aware that Barack Obama is different from the other politicians and is able to deliver real changes as far as the U.S image is concerned by keeping his promises and 68(*)playing a constructive role in bringing about reform at the United Nations which is something vital. The structure of the Security Council is 60 years old. It still gives the victors of the Second World War permanent membership of the Council, and a veto over its decisions. To change that will inevitably dilute the privileges of those nations, including the United States. Karsten D. Voigt, Coordinator of German-American Cooperation explained the higher level to which Barack Obama is bringing to transatlantic relations between the U.S.A and Germany by stating that: I was asked to speak to you about transatlantic cooperation after the U.S. elections of last November 4 and a couple of months before parliamentary elections in Germany on September 27. The election of Barack Obama to the presidency has raised great hopes in the U.S. and in many other countries for a fundamental change in American policies. Also in Germany the majority of the people across party affiliations have enormous trust in the new president. When he visited Berlin during his campaign, more than 200,000 citizens flocked to Tiergarten park to listen to his speech. Between 70 and 80 percent of Germans would have voted for him (if that had been possible). And his first acts in government have been generally very well received, for instance his announcement to close the detention camp at Guantanamo, his positive signals to the Muslim world and his readiness to listen to international partners and review the hitherto existing approach to central foreign policy issues. This positive attitude in the German population about the new U.S. president makes it easy for me in Germany to promote a strong partnership with the Unites States. Germany and its European partners should use the present opportunity to revitalize the transatlantic relations because these relations have lost nothing of their importance. The U.S. will remain Germany's Most important partner outside the European Union. We are NATO partners and share many common values, interests and the historical memory of the Berlin Airlift, the partnership during the Cold War and the reunification of Germany. (Karsten D. Voigt, p1). By this token, Since President Obama took office, there is also a positive rapprochement between the U.S. and Europe; there is some kind of cooperation between U.S.A and Europe as far as regional conflicts are concerned. Both sides are converging in their strategies to 69(*)stabilize regional conflict situations. While the government of former President Bush partly undertook the transformation of repressive governments by force, actively exported Western ideas ofdemocracy and sharply confronted authoritarian, anti-Western regimes, President Obama wants to recalibrate American foreign policy. He announced to offer direct talks even to difficult governments such as those of Iran and Syria in order to test the possible room tonegotiate. In her nomination hearing before the Senate, Hillary Clinton said: "Smart powerrequires reaching out to both friends and adversaries." In late March 2009 President Obama sent a video message to the people of Iran in which he restated his commitment to dialogue. This willingness to talk shows a new openness and respect for the opinions even of opponents while at the same time stating the limits of such a dialogue. In the case of Iran these limits remain the rejection of any possible nuclear armament of Iran and of its support for terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The German and other European governments have long identified with this approach. So, all the promises that Barack Obama has made : ending the war on Iraq within 16 month, fighting terrorism, containing the nuclear threat, ending the use of extraordinary rendition- an an issue that has created considerable tension in the transatlantic relationship in recent years and closing Guantanamo prison and prohibiting the use of torture as an interrogation technique will allow the European revive their old friendship and restore the Europeans' trust in the United States and its policies. Not only were the European allies happy for the election of Barack Obama but also the U.N; the world body. The George.W.Bush's administration was notorious of its indifference toward the U.N and the treaties signed within this body. That is why; the Barack Obama's administration is determined to use the United Nations to restore the U.S.A self-image around the world, unlike its predecessor. In fact, Barack Obama prepared an agenda concerning the U.N; an agenda which-according to Ian Williams-«may be expressed more subtly, but in the end no less forcefully than its predecessors. Indeed, it may even be more forceful, albeit more in harmony with UN objectives.» Barack Obama was aware that the question of the United Nation is one of the most crucial issues that he needs to deal with and very rapidly by giving it a fresh look.70(*) This will enable the U.S.A to reconnect with the U.N, restore its leadership around the world and reinvigorate this institution as the globe peacemaking enterprise.71(*) In order to show the priority that Obama gives to this body, he travelled to New York City in the first few weeks of his renure and delivered an address to the U.N informing the world community that America is back and ready to engage with all member-states. He also proclaimed his support for the continuation of the U.N reform movements and the enactement of changes to modernize the institution and get rid of archaic rules and most important, to confront the new twenty-first century perils of terrorism, weapons of mass destruction and failed states. * 65 George Peter Schmitz, from Mania to Mistrust, Special Online International. * 66 John Fortier, Obama reaches out the European Allies, My Politico, p1. * 67Bill Schneider, Why Europe Loves Barack Obama, the Compaign Trail. * 68 Peter Singer, the World Is Waiting, Guardian.Co.Uk. * 69 Karsten D. Voigt, Transatlantic Relations following the U.S Elections- New Perspectives with President Obama, p10. * 70 Stephan Schlesinger, a New Administration and the U.N, World Policy Institute. * 71 Stephan Schlesinger, a New Administration and the U.N, World Policy Institute. |