4.2.11. Interests groups
Two majors interests groups exist in football: the football
clubs' presidents association (UCPF in France), and the G14 at a European
How stakeholders influence football clubs' strategy ? September
The presidents' association negotiates with national football
organizations (the LFP and Premier League) and the government, to improve their
business conditions. They put pressure to increase television deals amount, to
decrease taxes... The G14 is an organization representing the fourteen richest
European football clubs. This organisation has the same function as the
presidents' association but at an international level: they try to improve
football business conditions.
These organisations are football clubs' represents or lobbies and
so do not have any direct influence on them. Their influence is indirect and
depends on the government and football organizations' decisions.
4.2.12. Government
Government's expectations towards football clubs are similar to
institutions' ones: they expect football clubs to get involved in community and
charities programs, to develop economically their region (especially
employment). Government works to improve the football image because at
international competitions, those clubs represents the country. According to
the Sir Norman Chester Centre (2002), the current administration and Tony Blair
have identified football as an important political tool and a key feature of a
modern and integrative Britain.
Although football clubs are mostly ruled by organizations like
the LFP and Premier League, they nevertheless have to comply with rules enacted
by the government and pay taxes like any company. Government financially
encourages clubs to develop education centres, employment programs and
community projects. The actual British Prime Minister is also close to Mr
Murdoch who owns a media empire and show football games on television in
counter part of expensive television rights. At least, some ministers are
football fans and clubs can benefit from advantages like renting rooms for
government meetings that will increase the notoriety of the clubs.
4.2.13. Banks
Banks expect that football clubs pay on time for their loans
encourage their players to open accounts with them. Football clubs manage huge
amounts of money and are attractive to banks but they are treated like any
other traditional company.
Banks only have power on clubs which have financial
difficulties to try to improve their situation.
4.2.14. Football clubs' stakeholders mapping
According to the stakeholders' expectations and sources of
power, it is possible to adapt the models originally designed by Mendelow
(1991) and Archer (1995).
Level of Interest
Low Other clubs Public institutions Government Banks
Employees Players / coaches Players' agents Interests groups Fans
Shareholders Media Organizations
Figure 4.1. Mendelow's model applied to football clubs
Source: Mendelow (1991)
Contingent Necessary
Public institutions
Players' agents
Players / coaches
Interests groups
Other clubs
Figure 4.2 Archer's model applied to football clubs
Source : Archer (1995).
This stakeholders' mapping is useful to analyse how football
clubs manage their stakeholders.