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Effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of rwandan hospitals a case of Kabaya district hospital (2019- 2020)

par Rukundo Paterne
University of Kigali - Master's degree in Science of Procurement and supply Chain Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2. Statement of the problem

Although the government of Rwanda started using the online system to purchase goods, works, services and non-consultancy services to help the Government to ensure efficiency of public procurement with the standardization of electronic documents, supplier registration, goods and services information and to streamline public procurement transactions for efficient government service delivery, still there is no research conducted on effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals. Moreover, most e-procurement empirical research has focused on large economies, technologies, and smaller economies and traditional industries (Tatsis; Mena Van Wassenhove & Whicker, 2006; Chipiro,2009).

Moreover, according to Uddin, (2015), in USA, Australia and Europe, there are very few empirical studies in the literature on the adoption of e-procurement and its effects as well as challenges facing its implementation in developing countries including Rwanda.

Therefore, there was a need to fill this gap by assessing how e-procurement is applied and what its effect is on the management of hospitals in Rwanda, and investigating challenges associated with the adoption of e-procurement in Rwanda. Further, the findings of this research added significant empirical information and findings to previous studies on the effect of e-procurement on the performance of managerial hospitals and challenges associated with its implementation in Rwanda. It is for that reason this research was conducted to shed light in regard to the effect of Umucyo system (e-procurement) implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals especially in Kabaya District Hospital from 2019 to 2020.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The study on the effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals, a case of Kabaya District Hospital from 2019 to 2020 has the general and specific objectives

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of the study is to analyze the effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals

1.3.2 Specific objectives

1) To examine how electronic submission of bids affects effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

2) To find out the effect of easy access to allpublished tenders on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

3) To determine the extent to which viable communication between bidders and Procuring Entity leads to the effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

1.4 Research hypotheses

H1:E-procurement implementation enhances the effectiveness of Rwandan Hospitals

H1a:Electronic submission of bids has effect on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

H1b:Easy access to all published tenders has positive effect on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

H1c: Viable communication between bidders and Procuring Entity has significant effect on effectiveness of public tendering at Kabaya District Hospital.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Des chercheurs qui cherchent on en trouve, des chercheurs qui trouvent, on en cherche !"   Charles de Gaulle