According to Selltiz et al. (1965: 406-407), tabulation refers
to the part of technical process on statistical analysis of data that involves
counting to determine the number cases that fall into various categories. Thus,
after eliminating errors, codes were assigned to each answer.
This stage led to the construction of statistical tables
showing frequency distribution of answers to questions addressed to
respondents. The statistical tables were used to compare the number of
occurrences of each answer to questions asked. Up to this level, it was through
mathematical and statistical tables that the number of occurrences of each
answer in relation to the questions asked was converted into percentages which
made it clear. Each table was accompanied by explanations about the nature of
relationship between the variables that were indicated in tables.
3.8 Ethical consideration
The researcher adhered to free expression by respecting the
rights and privacy of respondents. When it comes to human subject's research,
ethical behavior is essential. For example, permission obtained and concerned
parties were informed of the research objectives. Respondents freely and fairly
made their choices, with no discrimination based on religion, gender, race, or
other factors. The information provided in this research was kept confidential,
and the findings were used to embrace the objectives of this research study, as
stated in the introduction.