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Effect of e-procurement implementation on the effectiveness of rwandan hospitals a case of Kabaya district hospital (2019- 2020)

par Rukundo Paterne
University of Kigali - Master's degree in Science of Procurement and supply Chain Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

3.4.2 Interview Schedule

According to Bailey (1978:93) an interview is an instrument that is not given directly to the respondents, but is filled in by an interviewer who reads the questions to the respondent. In case where the researcher had access to the respondents, she interviewed them and responses were filled in the interview schedule.For better organization of the interview exercise, the researcher made appointments with the respondents in order to have access to them.

During the interview process, the researcher had a list of questions that he read to get responses from the respondents; the researcher prepared a separate schedule as this would later facilitate the coding process.

3.4.3 Documentation

Bailey (1978:266) defines documentary study as a careful reading, understanding and analysis of written documents for some purposes other than social research. They record of past events that are written or printed. Grinnell and Williams (1990:219) noted that documentation is the analysis of data that exist in boxes, in some enterprise's basements or hidden in the core of a computer.

In this research, the researcher collected the already existing data, by finding them where they are stored or field. During the process of documentary analysis, the researcher reads some documents and after understanding and analyzing the relevance of texts to this study, he jotted them down on manuscripts and later typed them on a computer for compilation. The researcher reads documents such as manual procedures, newspapers and other publications.

3. 5. Sources of data

According to Paige Wilson (1989:2),a source is one of the materials that the researcher uses for collecting information during the investigation». In this research, the sources of data were both primary and secondary data.

3.5.1 Primary data

As Joel R. Evan and Barry Berman (1995: 20), Gilbert A. Churchill Jr(1992:182), argue, Primary data are those data collected to the specific problem or issue under investigation. Primary data are necessary when a trough analysis of secondary data is unable to provide satisfactory information. They add that primary data are collected to fit precise purposes of current research problem.

To evaluate the overall value of primary data, the researcher must weigh precision and reliability against high cost time pressure and limited access to materials. The main techniques of primary data collection were interviews and copies of the questionnaire given to the staff and suppliers. Therefore, primary data were collected from respondents in the form of answers to the administered questionnaire as well as responses where interviews were applied.

3.5.2 Secondary data

Extensive study and review of published and unpublished documents, reports journals, newspapers and policy reports relevant to the study was used. Secondary data is a data gathering method that makes use of pre-existing data (Richard M. Grinnell and Margaret Williams, (1990:228).

This technique is important because it reviews the literature and tries to canvas both global and national perspectives so that the researcher could have a comparative framework for analysis and evaluation (William, 1982:401). Secondary data sources for this research work were drawn from the permanent file of some surveyed institutions. The permanent file included among other documents and these include the following: the statute, minute of managers, the manual of procedures and other documents considered necessary for this study.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Il y a des temps ou l'on doit dispenser son mépris qu'avec économie à cause du grand nombre de nécessiteux"   Chateaubriand