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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.6 Governmental Policies

The governmental policies of a country has an important impact on the economic conditions of the country and the business improvement (Cui, Quddus, &Mashuga, 2020; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). This is because of the availability of the infrastructure development that will improve the business performance (Cui et al., 2020; Dehkissia, Larachi, Rodrigue, &Chornet, 2004; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015, 2017; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). Chad being an underdeveloped country, has to face a lot of social and developmental challenges. Research studies (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Murrey, 2017; Orsi et al., 2017) show that because of the developmental challenges faced by the country, they had a high poverty rate. This also increased the deficiency of the infrastructure development, as the funds could not be used on the developmental projects. But after the oil discovery and extraction process, the need to have a good infrastructure increased (Cui et al., 2020; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). The lack of development and infrastructure is also attributed to the socio-political instability of the country (Cui et al., 2020; Jackson, 2017; Utzinger et al., 2005). Therefore, after the year 2010, the peaceful era for the Chadians began and legislative government came in position to take actions.

The government took several actions to improve the business environment of the country and also to promote the private sectors (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017). Joining of the ECCAS and CEMAC economic communities was also an attempt taken by the government for the trade improvement of the country. Another major drawback in the developmental infrastructure of the country was the lack of roads that will be used for transportation purposes (Dehkissia et al., 2004; IrurzunLopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017). The gas pipeline project initiated to benefit from the full potential of the petroleum reservoirs of the country also worked on the construction of around 500 km of the roads (Cui et al., 2020; Dehkissia et al., 2004; Jackson, 2017; Murrey, 2015, 2017; Sovacool, 2011; Utzinger et al., 2005). The implementation of these strategies depends upon the different factors which include the cofinancing and partnerships between the investors and the governmental management of the country (Dehkissia et al., 2004; Irurzun-Lopez et al., 2016; Orsi et al., 2017).

2.6.1Level of inflation now and before oil discovery

The inflation rate of the country depends mainly on the agricultural commodities. According to the research studies (Baninla et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2014; Jerven, 2014; R. Mahmood & Jia, 2019), in 2012, the inflation rate of the country was 7.7 percent and this was because of the extreme climatic conditions and environmental factors, the agricultural sector got effected. Thereafter, the inflation rate decreased to 0.4 percent in the year 2013 (trading economics). After that, the inflation rate increased to 1.7 percent in the year 2014. According to the research studies, this number increased to 3 percent in 2015 because of the security conditions in the country and because of the disturbance of the supply routes (trading economics).

After the exploration of oil and its extraction, the inflation rate of the country reduced.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery