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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.2.1Annual revenue from non-oil sectors

The economic base of the Republic of Chad has been agriculture, for a long period of time (G. D. Gadom et al., 2018; Hoinathy&Janszky, 2017; Limited et al., 2020). The main export product of the country was also cotton and was also called as a principle agricultural product. According to the research studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo, Menna, & Tirelli, 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast, Krauser, Strüver, &Giesen, 2019), 60% of the export revenues of Chad are gained through the petroleum sector. While the remaining 40% export revenue of the country are through the agriculture, livestock and other industrial sectors (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Malay, 2019; Nematchoua, Orosa, & Reiter, 2019; Williams, Baek, Li, Park, & Zhao, 2017). It has also been found that the services industry also has an important role to play in the economic condition of the country. Research studies (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast et al., 2019) show that about one third GDP of the country has found to attract the foreign investment. In 2017, the annual revenue gained through the agriculture sector of the country is around 1.3 billion.

2.3 GDP of Chad

The GDP of Chad is not completely dependent upon only a single sector, but instead of that, the country has a mixed economic system (Baninla et al., 2020; Chang, Chu, &Ranjbar, 2014; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Jerven, 2014; Nematchoua et al., 2019). Despite this, the major reliance of the country is on the oil sector and upon its export. After the exploration of oil fields in the country, the GDP dependence upon the agricultural crops decreased (Abosedra, Arayssi, Ben Sita, &Mutshinda, 2019; Cash, 2012; Malay, 2019;

Wegenast et al., 2019; Williams et al., 2017). The GDP of the country, according to the ( shows that, 45% dependence of GDP is on the agricultural sector, 38% is on the services sector and 14% on the industries (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Williams et al., 2017).

Table 2: Key economic facts of Chad.

GDP in 2018

$ 11.30 billion

Annual GDP growth

2.64% (2018)

% GDP value added by manufacturing sector

2.96 % (2016)

Labor force

6043,611 (2019)

Import of goods and services

$ 4.27 billion (2018)

Export of goods and services

$ 4.06 billion (2018)

2.4 Unemployment rate in Chad

Literature studies show that the percentage of the workers of Chad that are self-employed, are 74 % (Bown

& Freund, 2019; O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Nwanegbo, Umara, & Ali, 2017; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019). In 2015, the unemployment rate of Chad was 2.17 % that rose to 3.42 % in 2016. But in 2017, the rate of unemployment was reduced to 2.20 % in 2017. This again increased in next year and in

2018, the unemployment rate of Chadians was 2.23% (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017). The unemployment rate of the youth of Chad is also increasing with time. In 2014, the unemployment rate of the youth of Chad was 3.9 % and it increased to 4.34 % in 2016 (Cash, 2012; Hoinathy&Jánszky, 2017; Williams et al., 2017). After several attempts made, the rate was reduced to 3.95% in 2017 and in 2017, the unemployment rate of the youth of Chad was 3.96% (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017).

To deal with the unemployment rate, the governance of the country has learned the importance of SMEs and therefore, has promoted it. Research studies (O. S. Mahmood & Ani, 2018; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019; Profile, 2017) also show that the developmental strategies were made in 2005 in the country so that the unemployment could be reduced. These developmental strategies focused on the promotion of small and medium businesses (Bown& Freund, 2019; Nwanegbo et al., 2017; Onuoha & Moses Oyeyemi, 2019). These measures were done in order to have a significant contribution of small and medium sized businesses in the national economy improvement and in reducing the unemployment rates of the country (Abubakar et al., 2018; Colombo et al., 2019; Njikam, 2016; Wegenast et al., 2019).

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Là où il n'y a pas d'espoir, nous devons l'inventer"   Albert Camus