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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.7 Structure of the thesis

In order todiscuss the structure of this dissertation,it comes to the knowledge that there are five major chapters of this research work. Each chapter is informative to critically justify the problem statement of this study. The first chapter is based introduction, the second chapter will explore the detailed work of the previous researchers, the third chapter will reveals and highlight the nature and method of this research work and the fourth chapter will edify and analyse the hypothesis and the relationship of the independent and dependent variable through different tests results and their evaluation. Well, the last chapter will be the most important chapter which based on providing a detailed discussion and conclude all the research work on this study in a summary form.

In the first chapter, there is a complete work on the background, research problem and its related statement in order to give a direction of the research work. In this introductory chapter, there is a detailed discussion regarding the research objectives, its related questions and hypothesis, and also explored the significance of this research work. After this, there will be work on the previous literatures and their related studies in order to justify the scopeof this research. In this literature review chapter, all the related authors with theirvalid arguments regarding the impact of the oil export revenue on the economic growth and consumer wellbeing inChad's perspective will bediscussed to enhance the authenticity of this research work.

Then, the research methodology based third chapter will explore the research nature and its approach to justify the hypothesis. Like this is a quantitative research work whose analysis is based on both primary and secondary data. All the participants and the research related questions will be discussed in this chapter which gives a direction to consider the reliability of this research study. After the data collection, the result and analysis based fourth chapter will help toevaluate and analyse the statistical data in order to make a proper analysis of the derived results.

This chapter is considered as one of the most crucial chapters where whole the body of research is based on it. All the variables like oil export revenue, economic growth and consumer wellbeing, and their correlation study is discussed in this chapter which helps to justify or nullify the hypothesis. At the end, the summed up chapter named as discussion and conclusion will explain all the analytical data into the study perspective. All the discussion will be made in the current and future perspective of Chad and its related local individuals, and then the conclusion part will conclude all the variables in a professional way and also highlight the limitations regarding this research.

So that this work will guide the upcoming researchers to evaluate and analyse the related variables and worked on the gap. Also, the productive suggestions will be made towards future researches that increased the acceptability of this research work. In short, the above mention research structure is quite informative and attractive to make a valid analysis based outcome that explores the reality in front of the authorities and foreign investors to look at this state and its natural resources.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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