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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.6 Significance of study

This research is revealing because of its scope and implication factor. Many researches are conducted on the developed and developing country's economy. But this poor state is not majorly studied in the previous literature, which gap is critically fulfilled by this research work. This is an acceptable approach to highlight the number of challenges which are faced by majority of countries who have low economic growth and faced many social and environmental issues due to their lower investment projects. In the technological era, only those countries are earning huge amounts of profit and income from their trading who efficiently utilized new tools and techniques in their agricultural and other working activities. But unfortunately, Chad is that country who is ignored for many decades and there is a need to look at their economic, social, political and environmental issues (Castañeda et al., 2016).

This research study is instructive and attractive for the upcoming researchers and other governmental authorities toconsider the side effects of the civil wars and illiteracy on the wellbeing of any nation. Like how much the economy of an underdeveloped country is badly affected due to its lower export rates and weak international relations (Bovin, 2017). This research is conducted in order toevaluate the increased export rate of oil resources on the consumer wellbeing in Chad. The majority of the population are living below the poverty line and mostly are suffering from hunger and drought (Otekunrin, Otekunrin, Momoh, &Ayinde, 2019; Von Grebmer et al., 2017). If Chad's government becomes stable and strong, then it will be able to make some social projects for its citizens that result in the economic development of a large number of local individuals (Syverson, 2017). Also, it is an important study that majorly analysed how the higher oil related export rate enhanced job opportunities for the local individuals in this crude oil extraction sector. Like through the higher export rate, this oil industry becomes developed and more related job opportunities are created for the local ones that will enhance their professional skills and make their life secure in the long run.

The reason is that the unemployment rate of Chad is much higher as compared to the other ones due to its weak agricultural sector and lack of technology influence in their daily activities. The majority of the Chadians are unable to cover their basic necessities like food, shelter and clothes, and result in lower economic growth (Arthur, 2017). This research will highlight all the related points that could justify that the unemployment rate will reduced and the per capita income of the local individuals will be generated due to the efficient development of the oil corporation within this state.

In addition to the above arguments, this study is also an attractive approach to evaluate how the increased export rate of oil commodity also result in the up-gradation of the agriculture and manufacturing sector. The reason is that till now, its working sector is using old means of communication and daily operational activities that slowed down the chances to upgrade itseconomy(Ahmad & Shaikh, 2018). This study is effective to explore the positive impact of the enhanced oil trading on the other sector development. The reason is that such higher export rate results in increasing the country's deposit and dollar value in its economy that result in the upgrading of its currency value in the international market.

These development policies will drive new ways to develop other sectors in order to enhance the export rate of non-oil products in the international market. This study is informatory way to highlight all the pros regarding the oil export revenue and its effective implementation in the growth rate of Chad, its individuals and other business sectors. This is an effective approach in front of its government and other business communities to utilize its cheap labour and drive different ways to extract oil from this land. This will be a win to win situation in front of this country and any foreign investors.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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