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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.3 Implications

This study has evaluated the impact of Chad oil revenue on the wellbeing of common people as Chad has revolutionary steps in the development in various sectors and it has impacted the positive influence on the economic growth of Chad as per capita income has increased and this rise of income and the life standard has brought sustainability inChadians life. The agricultural sector hasdeveloped and there is a huge change in the per capita income and this revolution has changed the economic situation of the society. The study also grasps the term of the manufacturing sector of Chad economy and its industries as it has raised its industrial sector and the economy has grown well. The research paper also contributes to explain the results of the oil revenue as a major source in empowering the field of manufacturing. Chad is ranked 22nd among the poorest African countries in 2019 according to the International Monetary Funds(IMF). The oil revenue has a great impact and influenced the lifestyle of Chadians. Oil regarded as the wealth of Chad has brought about a great change in the economy of the country and wellbeing of common people and the rate of employment can be increased and this hypothesis is very positive and very influential. Oil revenue as the source of wellbeing of the common people of Chad has brought a positive change. Previous studies also ensure that the oil revenue is a great blessing in improving the per capita income. But before the existence of crude oil, the Chadians had a very low standard and very minimum per capita .this has a very positive influence and very significant role in doing better and raising a stable lifestyle as Chad has been a French colony and now a change in the economy of the country. This study also suggests that oil revenue has a very positive and significant influence on the living standard of the common people.Most of Chadianlive on agriculture as cotton the primary basic crop, livestock, and fishing for earning and profession. The contribution of oil revenues can improve their education and health sector. The field of agriculture can go on a high rank in working and the level of life can be revolutionized. The study also gives a positive impact overall and opens various doors for future analysts to discuss and suggest various solutions and fields to explore the ways and means to make plans and indicate the use of revenue or money in more positive and beneficial purposes. The research paper also suggests that Chad's community has a very positive and valuable chance to develop its various sectors by using this natural wealth. The development in the agriculture sector, manufacturing sector, and to decline the ratio of unemployment are the advantages that the Chad government can avail.

5.4 Limitation/Future research indications

It is important to discuss that the given study has some flaws and shortcomings that resulted in the unavailability of resources. The given study has also some of the limitations that reflect the lack of transparency in the research. One of the significant limitations of the current study is the sample size. In given research, the data only have been collected from 200 individuals. These individuals belong to oil consumption consumers, exports or managerial employees. The data collected only from these individuals based on the availability of resources. However, it is recommended that future researchers must increase their sample size to make research most investigative and analyse the problem. The future study must have to collect the data from other individuals to make research more comprehensive. As the more will be the sample of research, the more significant will be the results and it helps to make research more favourable. Another significant and important limitation of the current study is the lack of indications of variables. The study has designed to highlights the importance of oil export revenue on growing revenue, consumer well being, per capita income, manufacturing sector growth, agriculture sector growth and per capita income of Chad. It is analysed that there is a lack of independent variables. Future studies and researchers must include other variables to make research significant. For instance, future researches should analyse the role and impact of oil price fluctuation on economic well being as well as the economic growth of the country. This is because; the impact of oil prices is very vital and significant on the economic growth of the country as well as other sectors. It is also recommended that future studies should also be analysed and identify the impact of consumption of oil, economic recession as well as macroeconomic stability on the quality of life of the individuals and well being along with economic growth. As macroeconomic factors can be helpful to analyse and check the impact on well being of the consumers as well as the country. Besides this, the future researcher's can also includes other favourable variables such as the export of natural resources and its impact on the revenue trend of other developed countries. This will also be a helpful purpose to identify the trend of imports and exports as with economic growth. Furthermore, the following study has only focused on Chad's country to identify the relationship of oil export on economic, well being, manufacturing, agricultural economic growth. While, it is recommended that the researchers in future time must have to analyse the impact of oil export on another country's economic growth such as China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and other developed nations. This is because these countries are rich in oil and the export of oil has a significant impact on their economy. Therefore, future studies should be conducting the same study in other developed nations under a time series analysis.

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