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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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5.2 Conclusion

The main purpose of this research paper is to investigate the impact of revenue generated from oil export on the economic development of Chad and its consumer's well-being. This research study also aims to identify the impact of oil export revenue on the development and sustainability of the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. This research paper empirically investigates the impact of oil export on the employment rate in Chad. This study also evaluates if there are any changes in the amount of oil export and its effects on economic development with a focus on Chad. Using some significant data from previous years, this research paper attempts to evaluate the effect of oil export revenue on the overall economic condition of Chad via the causality tests and techniques. The tests and findings of this research paper discover that positive revenue earned from oil export can positively influence the process of economic development. oil export on the well-being of consumers in Chad. The initial findings of this paper conclude The main idea that this research put forward is to examine the impact of higher revenues generated from that the economic development of the country favourably related to revenues generated from oil export. This is because higher revenues from oil export generate some significant opportunities for further developments in economic activities. Revenues from oil exports are also significant for acquiring foreign exchange to provide crucial opportunities for sustainable development of the economy. The results of the study revealed that revenue from oil export has a favourable long-term relationship with the sustainable economic development of the country. Similarly, the findings of this research study also indicate that oil export revenue can provide effective opportunities for the government that they improve the existing system of the agriculture sector. With higher revenues from oil, the export government can provide subsidies for cost minimization and the government can also fund the basic infrastructure of the agriculture sector. Therefore, this study concludes that there is a positive and effective relationship between oil export revenue and the agriculture sector. Furthermore, the findings of this paper manifest that oil export revenue also positively enhances the infrastructure of the manufacturing sector. The production sector is one of the most important sectors of the government agenda in many nations because it mainly develops and drives technological innovation and also creates economic activities. A government with higher revenue earned from oil export can easily support enhancements in the manufacturing sector by proving them modern technology and systems.

Moreover, it is concluded that the data has been collected through both primary and secondary techniques. the overall findings of the study have concluded that there is a significant and positive impact of oil export revenue on consumer well being as well as per capita income of the Chad country. There is a positive relationship because the export revenue from oil production causes the production and revenue which further increased the per capita income of the country as well. Additionally, the oil export revenue of Chad negatively affects the unemployment generation. The higher will be the oil export revenue, the less will be the unemployment opportunities. Overall, the complete study has concluded that the role of oil export revenue is very vital for Chad to develop the agriculture, manufacturing, per capita income, GDP and consumer well being. The study has also concluded that the following study is significant and beneficial for Africa and its surrounding places.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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