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Impact of oil export revenue on economic growth and consumers wellbeing in Chad

par Kadidja Sarah Mamadou
IPAG Business School - MSC in Internationational Business Management 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

4.1.3Summary of Primary Data Results

The above presented graphs and their interpretations for the survey of this research that was used to collect the primary data. The results have shown that the locals of Chad perceive that the oil production and export has led to improving the employment ratio in the country and in response improved the financial conditions of the locals. Moreover, the results show consensus on the idea that the oil export and production have positive impact on the overall economy of the country. Finally, the results have also depicted that the general consumers and locals have a strong confidence in their government that they are efficiently regulating the income that is earned through oil export and production.

4.2 Secondary Data Results

4.2.1Descriptive Analysis

Table 1 given below shows the results for descriptive analysis that has been performed on the secondary data that was collected in this research. Mean and median values for each variable have been given in the table along with the minimum and maximum values for the variables. Mean is the average for the data, median is the middle value between the minimum and maximum values. The dispersion is shown through the value of standard deviation. Skewness and kurtosis are values that show the normality of the data. Results have also been presented for the Jarque-Bera test, which is a test for judging if the data is spread normally or not. This test is based on the difference between the skewness values and the values for kurtosis. For the normality to hold, the probability value of Jarque-Bera should be insignificant, i.e. above 0.05. The values in table reflect that the values for all variables except of GGPG are insignificant ensuring that, overall, the data is normal. Table 3: Descriptive Analysis








Mean 9.864350 1.642500 2.599968 12.16734 6.075366 21.62600 122.0979 2.633871

Median 6.299993 1.550000 3.553921 10.27950 2.749628 21.25236 121.6667 1.607824

Maximum 37.33253 2.417000 16.13473 28.23261 29.12730 34.42414 177.0000 8.078003

Minimum 1.255527 1.047000 -7.641602 1.726397 -9.156966 4.080328 38.33333 0.269488

Std. Dev. 9.667054 0.448229 6.216431 9.549064 10.49218 8.797110 34.36647 2.309501

Skewness 1.804077 0.348988 0.175773 0.412567 1.222962 -0.360360 -0.617386 0.804017

Kurtosis 5.308339 1.658841 2.365637 1.634602 3.700286 2.226888 3.195224 2.516137

Jarque-Bera 16.818272.095388 0.482167 2.333061 5.933537 1.024044 1.432545 2.584907

Probability 0.000223 0.350746 0.785776 0.311446 0.051469 0.599283 0.488570 0.274596

Sum 217.0157 36.13500 57.19930 267.6816 133.6581 475.7720 2686.154 57.94515

Sum Sq.

Dev. 1962.491 4.219098811.5243 1914.877 2311.801 1625.172 24802.14 112.0097


s 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22

4.2.2Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is a statistical method which can be used to test how strongly two variables are related to each other. Correlation analysis results show the strength of relationship between two quantitative variables. If two variables are highly correlated then it means that they have a strong relationship with each other, while weakly correlated variables are those that are hardly related to one another. The table 2 given below shows the results of correlation analysis of the variables of this study. The results are shown in two values, the value written above is the value for correlation and the four digit values given below them show the probability values of each relation. GDP has insignificant relationship with UER, OUEP and AGG, while its correlation with all others is significant. UER has insignificant correlation with AGG and OP, while having a significant correlation with all other variables. AGG is insignificantly correlated to all the variables of this study, showing that it is highly self-correlated. MAG has significant correlations with all but OP, PCIG is insignificantly correlated to the control variables and significant with the independent and all other dependents except AGG. As for OER, the independent variable of this study, it is insignificantly related to the control variables and AGG but significant with all others. OP is significant only for correlation with OUEP and OUEP is significant only for UER and OP.

Table 4: Correlation Analysis














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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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