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Impact of organizational communication in enhancing work effectiveness in local government entities

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Daniel Ibyimanikora
University of Rwanda - A0 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

2.3.6 The important key characteristics of effective organizational communication

These powerful stats were just a few of the takeaways from the Webinar: Why do Some Teams Success and Some Struggle. The Role of Behavioral Data to Develop High Performing Teams, co-hosted by PI Worldwide and the Human Capital Institute (HCI). In the broadcast, PI Worldwide's Director of Learning & Development Michelle Kozin along with executives from Predictive Index clients New Cap Media and Remy International discussed their strategies and best practices for building effective teams, including the following five important characteristics: (

1. Meaningful Common Purpose: Individual contributors must collectively understand and commit to their team's purpose. Therefore, it is up to the manager to clearly define the expectations and responsibilities for each role, and ensure alignment between the person and the role.

2. Clear Performance Goals: What does success look like? What is the group trying to accomplish? What work needs to be done to achieve the desired outcome? In high functioning teams, managers make sure that all contributors understand and accept both the end goal and the game plan for getting there.

3. Diversity of Skill and Personality: While managers should strive to have some consistencies in teams, bringing different people together who can offer different skills and perspectives will helps drive creativity and innovation. Moreover, it will help bring balance to the team in terms of tasks, people, risk and rules.

4. Strong Communication and collaboration: Effective communication between team members and from the manager to the teams sets the foundation for collaboration. Behavioral data can help managers get a better understanding of communication styles and motivating drives, all of which can help managers better predict how the group will interact, potential challenges that may arise and how they may approach shared goals.

5. Trust and Commitment: One of the key building blocks of successful teams is a strong sense of shared trust among team members. A lack of trust impedes on individuals ability to build rapport and trust thereby jeopardizing productivity. It is clear much of what makes teams successful is rooted in understanding the individual behaviors and motivating needs of the team members. Using assessments to obtain this data can impact a manager's ability to predict performance and improve the effectiveness of the team

2.3.7 The perspectives of organization communication Organizational Communication» as a Discipline

The first way the term «organizational communication» is commonly used is as a descriptor tool that refers to a specific sub-division of the communication field. However, organizational communication is not an academic area of study unique to the field of communication studies. Because organizational communication is a unique discipline there are courses, books, and degrees all associated with the study of organizational communication.

According to Mumby (1996:83) «A community of scholars constitutes a disciplinary matrix when they share a set of paradigmatic assumptions about the stud of a certain phenomenon.» Disciplining organizational communication studies in essence, organizational communication as a discipline because people who study it share a common conception of the study of this thing called «organizational communication.» Mumby and Stohl went on to note that «This does not mean that there is a consensus on every issue, but rather that scholars see objects of study in similar ways, and use the same language game in describing these phenomena.» In fact, you may find your teacher or even yourself disagreeing with our interpretation of certain aspects of organizational communication, which is very much a normal part of any academic discipline.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Et il n'est rien de plus beau que l'instant qui précède le voyage, l'instant ou l'horizon de demain vient nous rendre visite et nous dire ses promesses"   Milan Kundera