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Criminal liability for third person's act: case of release on bail( Télécharger le fichier original )par Pascal KAVUTTSE National university of Rwanda - Licence 2011 |
II.2.2.2. complementary penaltiesComplementary penalties are those that are not normally possible to impose without the support of principal sentences. They complement the main penalty to ensure the best punishment138(*). The complementary penalty is that one added to the main sentence, as accessory penalty, but unlike the latter, not automatically the result of condemnation139(*). They are applied jointly to the convicted offender. In accordance with article 121 of penal code imprisonment and fine are complementary, a convicted of this article shall undergo jointly both penalties. II.2.2.3 accessory penaltiesAccessory penalties are different from complementary penalties, they cannot, exist without the support of a main penalty; they are so closely added to principal penalty automatically without the judge need to decide140(*). They are additional in ex officio to the main penalty without mentioning them in the judgment. Penal code provides in its article 27 four types of accessory penalties. confiscationThe law entitles the state to confiscate any thing which has been involved in the offence, or which has assisted in its commission, or which has been produced as a result141(*). - forfeitureCourt may also prohibit criminals form being found in certain localities, or may order them to live in certain place142(*). The forfeiture is also qualified as a penalty, but is nevertheless a measure of safety143(*). -putting a person at government disposalAny recidivist convicted three times in period of ten years by a sentence of at least six months for each one of that three times, he/she shall be automatically put at government disposal. Art59 penal code. -civic degradationCivic degradation consists in the removal and exclusion of convicted from any position, employment or public office, in the deprivation of the right to vote, election, eligibility, and in general for all civil and political rights144(*). * 138 B. Bouloc, H.Matsopoulou, droit pénal général et procédure pénale, 16e ed., Paris, Editions Dalloz, 2006, P. 416 (translated by the author from french) * 139P.canin, Op. Cit.,p.116 * 140 B. Bouloc, H. Matsopoulou, Op.Cit., P. 442 * 141penal code, Op.Cit., art. 52 * 142 W.A. Shabas and M. Imbleau, Op,Cit.P.61; penal code, Op.Cit., art.54 * 143 M.G.Brière de l'Isle, Op.Cit. p.404 * 144Id.,p398 ; Penal code. Op.Cit., art.66. |