The problem of the subject " Effect of border of the rustic
soils on protected areas further to the dynamics of landuses: case of Monts
Kouffé classified forest in Benin ", is to know if the various plans of
limits (roads, tracks, stream) local residents in Monts Kouffé
classified forest favors or not the natural resources degradation of this
protected area.
The general objective of this research work is to estimate the
environmental damages of the anthropological pressure on the rustic soils and
Monts Kouffé classified forest. To reach this general objective, the
following specific objectives were aimed:
- identify the various plans of Monts Kouffé classified
- analyze the dynamics of the anthropological activities in the
rustic soils;
- establish a relation between the various plans of limits and
the anthropological activities;
- identify the impact of every type of plans of limits on the
dynamics of landuses in the rustic soils and Monts Kouffé classified
Indeed, Monts Kouffé classified forest is situated in
the Department of Donga, between 1°40 ' and 2°15 ' of longitude East
and, between 8°25 ' and 8°50 ' of latitude North. Its total surface
is 180.300 ha. The study area is located in the Municipality of Bantè
(Department of Hills). It covers a surface of 58.107 ha and includes the
waterside villages Okouta Ossé, Pira Adjigo, Akpassi, Banon,
Bantè, Bobè and Djagbalo.
The working methodology is based on the use of Remote Sensing
and Geographic Information System and, on the inquiry of ground. This one
allowed to make a better knowledge of the problems of the study area.
The populations practise an extensive agriculture dominated by
a system of fallow. Fields are installed at average going distances from 5 to
10 km of the natural limit (Adjiro) of the classified forest. So, certain
forest essences of commercial and pastoral values (Khaya senegalensis, Afzelia
africana, Pterocarpus erinaceus, Bombax costatum, etc.) are endangered because
of their anarchy exploitation by the waterside populations. The results of the
multi-temporal study based on the satellite image Landsat-TM of 1986 and the
Orthophotoplan of 2003 show that between 1986 and 2003, the woody savannas
(-2,09 %), raised savannas (-0,31 %), arbustives savannas (-19,49 %) and
plantations (-2,71 %) knew a decrease of their surfaces. Whereas the forest
galleries (2,10 %), forest degraded galleries (7,21 %), dense forests (4,02 %),
clear forests (1,51 %), fields (7,71 %) and fallow (1,94 %) knew they, an
increase of their surfaces.
It is necessary to indicate also that the waterside
populations master badly the limits of the protected area, what favourites the
degradation of these resources. It is thus necessary to set up and to support
committees of follow-up and management of natural resources in the study
Keywords: effect of border, rustic soils,
protected area, dynamics, Monts Kouffé, Benin.