5.3.3. Implementation of the solution Coordinate sub-projects by service
· Commercial service
On this department we set up and develop applications in
CEGID ERP System and simplify use of all application by creating a new
procedures and defining new rules. The objects on this sub-project and for this
department we avoided Excel Table and we get all information in one
Create a dashboard to manage efficiently the stock
· Purchases Service
Set up and develop applications in CEGID ERP System to manage
Stock, and manage requested quantity.
We develop a clear procedure and simplify the use of the
application. All information saved in one date base, the CEGID System. And
purchaser can't generate an order without the authorization of the
We develop a dashboard to manage quantity on stock and avoid
errors between theoretical and physical input
· Sales Administration
For this department we focus our improvement on developing
dashboards to manage delivery date for customers. Then, simplify application
concerning request payment of the deposit.
· Create new procedures toward save time and be more
? All procedures, applications and interfaces that we
developed on these different services are designed to simplify user entry and
manage more effectively their time. Integration of two new module
. CRM Module
· The CRM module gives us a better insight into customers
and fosters a personalized approach for cultivating high value
. Settlement Monitoring
· Allow us to be more effective on managing cash receipts
and disbursements.
· Develop new tools for fast debt collection.
· Schedule of payment tracks overall change in the cash and
we are more reactive to find solution
· After the due date of payment CEGID create an automatic
debt recovery letter. 5.3.4. Test and control
The end of implementation process was the test of all tools,
applications and interfaces by users.
This step is the most important because we test system on a real
5.4. Management process of AS-Solar company after ERP