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An assessment of adherence to antihypertensive treatment and associated factors in patients at the Yaounde general hospitalpar Roland Muntoh Chiabi Faculty of medicine and biomedical sciences, Yaounde I University - Pharmaciae Doctor 2017 |
REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Paix - Travail - Patrie ------------------------ UNIVERSITE DE YAOUNDE I ------------------------ FACULTE DE MEDECINE ET DES SCIENCES BIOMEDICALES ------------------------- AN ASSESSMENT OF ADHERENCE TO ANTIHYPERTENSIVE TREATMENT AND ASSOCIATED FACTORS IN PATIENTS AT THE YAOUNDE GENERAL HOSPITAL Presented by: CHIABI ROLAND MUNTOH 7TH YEAR PHARMACY STUDENT Thesis Presented and Defended Publicly in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of a Pharmaciae Doctor (Pharm.D.) Degree CO-SUPERVISOR Dr. TEMBE Estella épse FOKUNANG Senior Lecturer of Clinical Pharmacology SUPERVISOR Prof. MENANGA Alain Patrick Associate Professor of Cardiology Academic year: 2017-2018
TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACADEMIC STAFF OF THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES FOR THE 2017/2018 ACADEMIC YEAR v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS/SYMBOLS xxiii I.1 BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE 1 CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 CHAPTER III: MATERIALS AND METHOD 50 CHAPTER VI: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 81 PREFACEDEDICATIONThis scientific project is dedicated to my parents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI thank GOD ALMIGHTY for His unceasing love, for keeping strong and healthy and for His numerous graces shown to me throughout these years of pharmacy training. This work will not have been a success without the contributions of the following people: Ø My supervisor, Prof MENANGA Alain, for his continuous support, patience, motivation and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me throughout the research period and also during the writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my end of course thesis. Ø My cosupervisor, Dr. TEMBE Estella, for her insightful comments and encouragements but also for the hard questions which motivated me to widen my research from various perspectives! Thank you Doctor for being a mentor for me and for sharing your experiences with me throughout these years. I am forever grateful. Ø The cardiologists and the nurses of the external consultation unit, who facilitated my integration into the healthcare team. Without their precious support it would not have been possible to conduct this research. Ø All the participants in my study, who willingly spared their precious time to answer my questions. Ø All the lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMBS) for grooming me throughout these years of pharmaceutical studies. Ø My parents for all the sacrifices, encouragements and support they have made on my behalf. Your prayers for me was what sustained me this far. Ø My brothers, CHIABI Edmond, CHIABI Valery and CHIABI Leslie, and the rest of my family for their support and the love they have always been showing me. Ø Dr. NGANGUE NSEKE Rose, Dr. ABONG BWEMBA Therese and Dr. KIMA Tessa for their mentorship, assistance, and dedicated involvement in one level or another in my training. I would like to thank you very much for your support, advice and understanding throughout these years. Ø All my classmatesand friends for the love, the friendship, the support, the stimulating scientific discussions, the fun and the patience. Ø The Director of the Yaounde General Hospital for granting me the authorization to pursue this research. Ø Mr TCHUISSEU Frederic for the statistical analysis. Ø All those who contributed in the elaboration of this work. |