3.4 Summary
Govt attitude & commitment
Enabling environnement, trade to GDP ratio, export growth, reform
IP, retirement of the Special list 301, multilateral opening, global market,
risk of political instability are very low,
Vulnerable economics infrastructures, lack of participation in
international IP, lack of enforcement of IP laws, corruption in the government
and problems with Chinese Mafia
IPR instruments & structure
Good laws concerning copyright, trademarks, patents and utility
model, integrated circuit law, design,
Lack of judicial instance for the treatment and the control,
Legal & Reg. Environment
Simple system, effective system, labour law, commercial contrats
for R&D,
Usually slow treatment and surprising conclusions, finance and
banking regulation is sufficiently effective, shareholders'right are
sufficiently implemented.
Sector analysis & Review
Innovation and creativity, technologic island, semiconductors
sectors and electronic , telecommunications,
Made in Taiwan =negative image
Institutional Map
Companies specializing in consulting, IP laws, assistance to
export of goods, initiated the establishment of foreign
Lack of companies specializing in arbitration of disputes (if we
want not going to judicial instance)
Institutional Proactivity
Many institutions
Not many aids for development in Taiwan
Use of IPR instruments
First country in applications and certificates IP in world
comparison, patent productivity, Number of patent in force,
Counterfeiting mainly in the automobile parts area
Infringements of rights
Know-how, entrepreneurship of manager is widespread in business,
adaptability of companies to market changes is high, working hours is highly
per years,
lack of Human resources, financial institutions' transparency is
sufficiently implemented in business, labor market flexibility
Awareness to Action
Actions in university and schools
Lack of IP formation
Also we can describe the macro environment of enabling, the
institutional framework of General Support because there is a gap at banking
system, loans and payment system. Finally, we can describe the level of micro
enterprise of Limited use because these rights are not respected. (To more
information, see the table above).
