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Contrainte Psycho-Physiques et Electrophysiologiques sur le codage de la stimulation électrique chez les sujets porteurs d'un implant cochléaire

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par Stéphane GALLEGO
Université Lyon I - Doctorat 1999

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- Article 22 :


J. Wable, T. van den Abbeele, S. Gallégo, B. Frachet
Accepté dans Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology

Cette étude met en évidence un effet de la cadence de stimulation sur l'amplitude des potentiels évoqués de latence tardive avec une réponse P1N1 plus ample pour les stimuli déviants que pour les stimuli standards.

Une onde de discordance est obtenue lors de la stimulation de deux électrodes différentes, l'une de manière fréquente, l'autre de manière rare. Une négativité est observée lorsque la différence des potentiels est effectuée entre celui évoqué par le stimulus déviant et celui évoqué par le stimulus standard lorsqu'ils sont physiquement différents mais également lorsqu'ils sont physiquement identiques. Aucun effet sur la latence ou l'amplitude de la négativité en fonction de l'éloignement à l'électrode de référence n'est mis en évidence, ce qui suggère que les différentes taches présentent la même difficulté. La latence de la MMN est précoce comparée aux données de Kraus et al. (1993b), ce qui peut s'expliquer par les différences de stimulation (champ libre / stimulation directe de l'implant) ou par un traitement central moins complexe dans le cas de stimulations localisées que dans le cas de sons de parole.

Mismatch negativity: a tool for the assessment of stimuli discrimination in cochlear implant subjects.

Jocelyne Wable 1, Thierry van den Abbeele 2, Stéphane Gallégo 3, Bruno Frachet 1

Centre de Recherche et d'Ingénierie des Sciences et Techniques de l'Audition et du Langage (CRISTAL),

Université Paris 13, Hôpital Avicenne, Service ORL, 125 rue de Stalingrad, 93009 Bobigny.

2 Hôpital Robert Debré, service ORL, 48 Boulevard Serurier, 75019 Paris, France.

3 MXM 2720 Chemin St Bernard F-06224 Vallauris Cedex, France.


Jocelyne Wable, CRISTAL, Hôpital Avicenne, Service ORL, 125 rue de Stalingrad, 93009 Bobigny. Tel: (33) 1 48 95 59 07, fax: (33) 1 48 95 52 02, e-mail

keywords: event-related electrically evoked auditory potentials, mismatch negativity, cochlear implant, electrical stimulation, discrimination, speech perception, human.


Among cochlear implant users performance vary a lot. Cognitive abilities may be involved in this variability. The mismatch negativity should provide an index of discrimination in cochlear implantees (Kraus et al., 1993b). Our aim was to analyze MMN in cochlear implant (Digisonic) subjects to assess electrode discrimination and to study the relationship between MMN and speech performance. The mismatch was elicited by stimulating three pairs of different electrodes. Two sessions were performed with both standard and deviant stimuli reversed. Speech recognition abilities were evaluated using four speech tests. The statistics included the results of 6 subjects. They indicated that MMN may be obtained when stimulating two different electrodes. A difference occurred between standard and deviant stimuli within a session but also when the response to the deviant stimulus was compared to the response of the same stimulus in a standard condition, validating the discrimination process. MMN latency was about 140 ms, and amplitude about --2.8 i.tV. No differences were shown in respect to the electrodes spacing. No relationship between MMN and speech performance was found. The clinical application of this method might be to assess the auditory processing of electrical stimuli in congenitally deaf subjects at a preimplantation stage.


A cochlear implant consists of an electrode array placed in the scala tympani. It delivers electrical stimulation to the remaining auditory nerve fibers of deaf patients. Non-invasive and objective tools have been developed to assess auditory nerve and central auditory system functioning before and after implantation. Auditory evoked potentials have been widely used as much for evaluating the excitability of the auditory nerve before implantation and the integrity of the implant, as for facilitating the device parameters setting (Pelizone et al., 1989; Oviatt and Kileny, 1991).

Cochlear implantation success lies on speech intelligibility and speech production abilities of the patient. Implant users vary greatly in their performance. The poorer performers could benefit from parameters setting optimization at an individual level. Differences between subjects may not be entirely explained in ternis of device, ear status or number of surviving neurons. Abilities to adapt to electrical

stimulation, discrimination of stimuli, as well as cognitive capacities may be involved. Recently, relationships were found between electrically evoked brainstem responses (EABR) and speech performances (Hermann and Thornton, 1990 ; Gallégo et al., 1998 ; Groenen et al., 1997). The ability in discriminating small acoustic differences is very important for the perception and processing of speech signais. The Mismatch Negativity (MMN) method is an objective tool that provides a measure of automatic stimuli discrimination. (Nit âtânen et al., 1978; Nââtânen and Michs 1979; Nââtânen and Picton, 1987; Sams et al., 1985). This method seems likely to be interesting in the study of neurophysiologic processes of stimulus change occurring during normal perception or in pathological situations (Kraus et ai, 1993a, 1995a). MMN should provide an index of discrimination abilities.

Kraus et al. (1993b) demonstrated that MMN may be obtained in patients with cochlear implant. With 100 ms synthesized speech stimuli /da/ and /ta/, they observed some response patterns similar to those obtained in normal-hearing subjects. Ponton and Don (1995) demonstrated that the activation of two clifferent electrode pairs along the implant array elicited an MMN response. They found, with a 1-pulse stimulation, a larger and earlier MMN response for the apical electrodes than for the basal ones. Kileny et al. (1997) investigated late and cognitive evoked potentials in children with cochlear implants. They found that for the frequency contrast, shorter and stronger P3 and MMN were associated with high sentence recognition scores. Cochlear implantees may benefit from this technique in terms of electrode functioning, auditory system integrity, discrimination abilities (Kraus et al., 1993b; Ponton and Don, 1995). Moreover, it may assess evolution of capacities along training (Tremblay et al, 1997 ; Kraus et al., 1998, 1995b).

Our aim was to put forward and analyze MMN in cochlear implant subjects to assess electrode discrimination along the implant array. The main objectives were to compare event-related auditoryevoked potentials (ERPs) waves and difference waves as a fonction of the following experimental parameters: occurrence of the stimulus and stimulated electrodes. A second objective was to study the relationship between MMN and speech perception performance.

Our experiments were performed with users of Digisonic DX10 multi-electrode cochlear implant.

Material and methods


Eight subjects were included in the experiment, ranging in age from 40 to 71 years, having been deaf from 1 to 13 years, and having been implanted from 4 to 36 months. They were all post-lingually deafened. Details concerning etiologies, length of deafness, implant experience and stimulus parameters used in this study are displayed in Table I. All subjects wore a DIGISONIC DX 10 cochlear implant (MXM).

Digisonic DX 10 system

The DX 10 Digisonic processor signal processing consists (Beliaeff et al., 1994) in assigning to the 15 implanted electrodes 15 frequency bands ranging from 100 to 7800 Hz. The signal spectral analysis relies on a Fast Fourier Transform. Each sweep, six electrodes are stimulated, corresponding to the louder bands of the spectral analysis. The amplitude of the spectral peaks determines the amount of current delivered to the corresponding electrode, i.e., the pulse duration. The frequency bands assigned to these electrodes are spaced with a linear or a logarithmic scale. Overlapping or reassigning the frequency bands is possible. The highest pitch corresponds to the first electrode and the lowest one to the 15`h.

Event-related evoked-potentials

During measurements the subjects were seated in a comfortable chair and were asked to relax with their eyes closed, but not to go to sleep. They were instructed not to pay attention to the stimuli. Stimulation

The stimuli did not go through the implant processor but were directly delivered through a Digisonic interface, the Digistim. Stimuli were presented using a passive oddball paradigm. Attention is directed away from the acoustic stimuli with an explicit instruction to ignore all auditory stimuli. Standard (n=850) and deviant (n=150) stimuli were presented in a pseudo-random sequence with at least three standard stimuli between two deviant ones.

The mismatch was elicited by stimulating two different electrodes. Three pairs of electrodes were tested : (13, 12), (13, 10), (13, 8). In order to avoid overlapping of the MMN with the waveform

components related to the physical difference between stimuli, two sessions were performed for each pair : the first session with stimulus 1 the repetitive standard and stimulus 2 the randomly interspersed deviant one, and the contra protocol with both stimuli reversed (Ponton and Don, 1995). The order of the sessions was randomized between subjects. The order of pairs and electrodes was randomized as well.

Both stimuli were 100 ms long, with 3 ms inter-pulse duration. The stimuli interval was 1 second. Stimulus level was set at about 70 % of the dynamic range. The subjects discriminated these stimuli behaviorally. An equal level of loudness of the electrodes 13 to 8 was researched before testing at this adjusted level. At the beginning of the electrophysiological measurements it was verified that the subjects detected all stimuli and that the loudness was comfortable.


The potentials were recorded from forehead/mastoid contralateral to the implant with the ground electrode on the chin. In this work, we used only this recording position, which is known to be a good location to measure MMN. The recordings were controlled using a home-made software. The recording window included 500 ms of post-stimulus time with 250 sampang points per sweep. The responses were amplified and analog bandpass filtered on-line from 0.1 Hz to 30 Hz with a CyberAmp 320 (Axon Instruments, Foster City). Using an automatic artifact rejection algorithm, the sweeps containing activity that exceeded #177;75 jiV were excluded from subsequent averaging. ERPs from deviant and standard stimuli were averaged separately for on-line visualization of the responses. However, each ERP was also stored separately to allow off-line analysis.

Derivation of the MMN

Averaged ERPs from standard and from deviant stimuli were obtained from the recording. ERPs from standard stimuli following deviant ones were not included in the averaging. The MMN, which overlaps the N1 and P2 event-related potentials components, was measured from a difference wave obtained by subtracting the response evoked by the standard stimulus from the response evoked by the deviant stimulus. Two difference waveforms were obtained: the intra-session in which stimuli were physically different (two electrodes stimulated) and the inter-session involving physically identical stimuli presented in different contexts (randomized and rare in one session vs. repetitive and frequent in

the other one). The resulting waveforms should reflect stimulus-related activities and contextual differences for the first wave, and only contextual differences for the second one. However, the contextual difference means not only deviant vs. standard stimulation but also repetition rates and number of waveforms involved (Picton et al., 1974). A lower N1 amplitude is to be expected in the case of a standard stimulation compared to a deviant one.

Speech recognition

Four tests were administered to evaluate speech recognition abilities (Table II). For each test, the stimuli were presented in random order, at a comfortable listening level with the processor set at a normal-use setting. No lip-reading help and no feedback were provided. The VCV test assesses the ability to identify consonants. Sixteen consonants were presented through a computer with a 16-bit sound card, three Urnes each, using the vowel /a/. The subject had to choose between 16 responses presented on the computer screen. The Lafon test assesses recognition of monosyllabic words. A list contants 17 words of three phonemes. A list of 75 familiar monosyllabic words was also presented. Thirty five short sentences with 119 familiar key-words was used to assess phonetic and cognitive skills. The stimuli were presented once, in an open-set condition. The percentage of consonants, phonemes, words and keywords

recognition was evaluated, respectively.


Statistics only concemed the 6 subjects for whom the three pair discriminations were evaluated. The P1-N1-P2 wave was identified for each evoked potential. The N1 latencies were measured at the trough. The amplitudes were evaluated based upon the difference between P1 peak and Ni trough. The MMN waves were identified in both difference waves. The MMN latencies were measured at the trough. If there were two troughs in the difference waveform, one at the Ni latency and one later, the second one was taken as the MMN (Scherg et al., 1989). The amplitudes were evaluated based upon the difference between MMN onset and MMN trough. Frequency of occurrence, session and electrode effects on latency or amplitude values were tested using ANOVAs. Moreover, the morphologies of ERP evoked by the standard and deviant stimuli were examined. Ten periods of 50 ms long were defined. In each period, the responses to standard and deviant stimuli were compared as a fonction of âme. For each electrode, for

each temporal domain, the ERPs evoked by the standard stimuli or by the deviant ones were compared using an ANOVA analysis with subjects, condition, and occurrence as factors. The factor condition represented a value of 6 dimensions (3 electrodes * 2 sessions). Correlations between MMN latency or amplitude and speech recognition were tested using a Pearson coefficient.


All subjects perceived the differences between the stimuli. The data set consisted of responses from 100 to 150 deviant stimuli and from 484 to 729 standard stimuli.

Event-related evoked potential pealcs analysis

Fig 1-a shows the averaged response to the standard stimulus for a representative subject. The classic P1-N1-P2 wave is obvions, with Ni latency at about 100 ms. Fig 1-b displays the grand mean averaged responses from the stimulation of electrode 13, 12, 10 and 8 as standard stimuli.

Statistical analysis (occurrence*electrode ANOVA on repeated measures, N=6) did not show any effect of occurrence or electrode on the N1 or P2 latencies. N1 occurs around 117 ms (SD=12) and P2 around 217 ms (SD=21).

Figure 2 shows the mean P IN I amplitude (a) and the mean N1P2 amplitude (b) for the standard and deviant stimuli. As no effect of the session was found, data relative to the same electrodes were gathered between sessions. The occurrence*electrode ANOVA on repeated measures on the averaged values demonstrates an effect of occurrence (F1=19.4, p1=0.007; F2=10.7, p2=0.022) and an effect of electrode (F1=4.4, p1=0.042) with interaction (F1=5.5, p1=0.024; F2=5.4, p2=0.026) on die PiN1 and N1P2 amplitudes, respectively. The post-hoc analysis, using the Student-Newman-Keuls test shows a difference between amplitude of deviants of pairs 2 and 3 vs. pair 1. For standard stimuli no differences were found. Mean PINI amplitude equals -4.3 gV (SD 1.3), and mean N1P2 amplitude equals 4.7 (SD 1.7 p.V).

Morphology analysis

The analysis of variance with condition and occurrence as factors indicates a condition effect, above all from 100 ms to 450 ms, an occurrence effect from 100 to 300 ms with a lower value for deviant stimuli in the 100-200 ms interval and a higher value in die 200-300 ms interval, and no interaction

between the condition and the occurrence. Figure 3 displays the mean ERP gathering all condition values for the standard and deviant stimuli by 50 ms periods.

Difference waves analysis

Missing values (6/72) do not allow to performe two way ANOVA tests.

Infra-session différence

Fig 4a shows the averaged responses to the standard stimulus (stimulation of electrode 13), the averaged responses to the deviant stimulus (stimulation of electrode 12), and the difference wave for a representative subject. The MMN deflection is obvious in the response to the deviant stimulus, overlapping the N1-P2 wave.

The paired t-tests did not show any differences between sessions on MMN latency (N=16, mean=145.4 ms, SD=20.4 for the first session; mean=134.4 ms, SD=26.1 for the second session) or amplitude (N=16, mean=-3.1 SD=2.4 for the first session; mean=-2.8, SD=1.0 for the second session). However, the test power was very low. One way ANOVAs on repeated measures did not show any differences between electrodes on the latency or amplitude values. The mean MMN latency is 139 ms (SD=23). Its amplitude equals -2.911V (SD=1.8). Fig 4b displays the mean MMN infra-session difference wave (N=6) for the three pairs of electrodes.

Inter-session difference

Fig 5a shows the averaged responses to die standard stimulus (stimulation of electrode 12), the averaged responses to the deviant stimulus (stimulation of electrode 12), and the difference wave for a representative subject. A negativity is obvions in this difference wave. One way ANOVAs on repeated measures did not show any differences between electrodes on the latency or amplitude values. The mean MMN latency of 142 ms (SD=22) and amplitude ofs -2.8 (SD=1.4) are die same as the MMN in the
Mea-session difference. Fig 5b displays the mean MMN intra-session difference wave (N=6) for the three pairs of electrodes.

Speech performance

Table III reports the speech tests results. The correlation analysis did not emphasize a relationship between MivLN amplitude or latency and speech performance, regardless what the speech test was. However, the low power of the correlation test did not allow to conclude to an absence of relationship.


The aim of the study was to characterize MMN recorded from electrical stimulation of Digisonic cochlear implant subjects. A multi-electrode implant consists of several electrodes spaced along the cochlea. By stimulating neural ganglia at more-or-less specific location through these implanted electrodes, some sensation of pitch may be restored. Activation of adjacent electrode can be discriminated behaviorally. The recording of MMN by stimulating two different electrodes may be related to the measure of frequency discrimination in normal-hearing subjects. Ponton and Don (1995), comparing responses to electrode pair stimulation in cochlear implant subjects and responses to tone burst stimulation in normal-hearing subjects, found earlier MMN waves with electrical stimulation (169 ms and 155 ms for 2 kHz and 1 kHz stimuli, respectively, vs. 114 ms and 89 ms for the basal and apical pairs, respectively) which may be explained by a more synchronized activation of neurons in the case of electrical stimulation. The stimulation of the apically located electrode pairs lead to larger responses than stimulation of the basally located electrode pairs. We found a mean MMN latency of about 140 ms for apical electrode stimulation essentially. The difference in latency with the Ponton and Don (1995) study can be due to the difference in the stimulation characteristics between the two cochlear implants: adjacent electrode pair in the Ponton and Don study, one array electrode vs. adjacent electrodes and common electrode in the Digisonic implant concerned in the present study. The latter mode of stimulation may

lead to a larger spread of current and a less synchronized activation. We found a shorter MMN latency than Kraus et al. (1993b). With 100 ms synthesized stimuli /da/ (standard) and /ta/ (deviant), they found a MMN latency of 220 ms, a duration of 121 ms, and an amplitude from onset to trough of -1.7 jtV. A similar MMN occurs when the /ta/-alone waveform was taken as standard reference. The difference between the two studies earlier and greater MMN in the present may be explained by the differences in stimuli used: phonemes in free field presentation vs. direct and localized electrode stimulation which may provide a more synchronized and replicable activation of the neurons. Indeed, stimulating bypassing

the speech processor allows precise and replicable activation of specific electrodes along the implant array. Moreover, the delay observed in case of speech discrimination may be the consequence of a longer speech processing compared to the non speech processing. The difference in MMN amplitude may also be due to the difference in the recording electrode position: FÉearlobe in the Kraus et al. (1993b) study, forehead/mastoid in this one.

Several studies showed that MMN peak latency increases as the standard deviant discrimination becomes more difficult (Sam et a1.,1985, Kakauranta et al., 1989, Scherg et al.,1989). The absence of electrode effect on MMN latency or amplitude suggests that the three tasks were as difficult, i.e., electrode 8 is not easier to discriminate from electrode 13 than electrodel2.

The evoked potentials recordings airns are also to try to predict speech recognition performance. Using the Digisonic cohlear implant, Gallégo et al. (1998) found a correlation between brainstem evoked potential wave III to wave V delay and speech recognition score (r=0.69; p<0.005) with a shorter interval linked with a higher recognition score. Groenen et al. (1997) found a relationship between phoneme recognition and middle latency responses. Makhdoum et al. (1997) demonstrated a positive correlation between cortical response (N1P2 amplitude) and speech performance in cochlear implant users, and a negative correlation with P2 latency. Kileny et al. (1997) investigated late and cognitive evoked potentials in children with cochlear implants. They studied the relationship between amplitude and latency of the cognitive response and speech recognition abilities. The latency tended to be shorter for the frequency contrast than for the loudness contrast which in turn tended to be shorter than for the speech contrast. In frequency, the discrimination showed shorter and stronger P3 and MMN that were associated with high sentence recognition scores. However, our study failed to show a relationship between latency or amplitude of MMN and speech recognition abilities. This might be due to the low power of the statistical test.


The authors wish to thank the Assistance Publique --Hôpitaux de Paris for their grant (PHRC n° 094034) and the MXM Laboratory for their fmancial support. The authors also wish to thank D. Moyse for helping with the statistics, S. Labassi for editing the manuscript, and the patients who volunteered for the experiments.


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Table I- Age, etiology, deprivation duration, implantation duration and electrode tested for the subjects evaluated. Pulse duration were set to deliver stimuli at about 70% of the dynamic range.




Total deaf duration (yr)

duration (mo)

Electrode pairs tested
[electrode: pulse duration (ils)]






13:33, 12:35, 10:31, 8:26






13:64, 12:66, 10:68, 8:68



chronic otitis



13:22, 12:26, 10:29, 8:36






13:31,10:44, 8:38



sudden deafness



13:16, 12:18, 10:18, 8:16



sudden, meningitis



13::14, 12:14, 10:16, 8:18



sudden deafness



13:24, 12:28



progressive deafness



13:23, 12:25, 10:24, 8:27

Table II- Characteristics and evaluation criterion of speech tests.

Test Characteristics level of evaluation

VCV 16 consonants, 3 times each consonant /48

Lafon 17 monosyllabic words of three phonemes /51


words 75 familiar monosyllabic words words /75

sentences 35 sentences, 119 key words key words /119

Table III- Speech test performance for the six subjects included in the statistical analysis.





Lafon IC
































cl) p 15. â


0 100 200 300

Time (ms)

Figure 1-a




200 300

Time (ms)


electrode 13 electrode 12

-- -- -- electrode 10 electrode 8


Figure 1-b


· Istandard

· deviant

pair 1 pair 2 pair 3

Electrode pairs

Figure 2a


· deviant

pair 1 pair 2 pair 3

Electrode pairs

Figure 2b









** * * * ** * * * * * *

n standard

· devient




hO 00

· 4).



Time intervals (ms)

Figure 3







standard : electrode 13 deviant : electrode 12 difference : deviant-standard

Time (ms)

Figure 4-a



r \

/ ...

i .p.egrfe.*1

r .s.

i ,
· IN

i ...%

I ;
· :114.: `




deviant 12 - standard 13 -- -- -- deviant 10 - standard 13 deviant 8 - standard 13

0 100 200 300

Time (ms)

Figure 4-b

-standard: electrode 12 deviant: électrode 12 difference : deviant - standard

0 100 200 300

Time (ms)

Figure 5-a


deviant 12 - standard 12 -- -- -- deviant 10 - standard 10

deviant 8 - standard 8




/ % ` e -.5

· N

· ,...,

·r.., i .."0 '

....s s. ''. 1. _.. /--«y

I . . ,.. .

.-------,s\ I ,' ...

. ` / .....

. \

.. .".
·... / :


.. ...... .


100 200 300

Time (ms)


Figure 5-b

Legend of figures

Figure 1- a- Averaged response of the standard stimulus for a representative subject. The classic PI-NI - P2 wave is obvions, with N1 at about 100 ms. b- grand mean averaged responses from stimulation of electrode 13, 12, 10 and 8 as standard stimuli.

Figure 2- Mean P1N1 amplitude (a) and mean N1P2 amplitude (b) for standard and deviant stimuli in respect to electrode pairs.

Figure 3- Mean ERP values for standard and deviant stimuli by 50 ms periods. The stars indicate the signification level of the comparison for each interval. *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001.

Figure 4-a- Averaged responses of the stimulation of electrode 12 as standard stimulus, as deviant stimulus, and difference wave for a representative subject. The MMN deflection is obvions in the response of the deviant stimulus, overlapping the N1-P2 wave. b- Grand mean MMN intra-session difference wave (N=6) for the three pairs of electrodes.

Figure 5-a- Averaged responses of the standard stimulus (stimulation of electrode 12), of the deviant stimulus (stimulation of electrode 12), and difference wave for a representative subject. A negativity is obvions in this difference wave. b- Mean MMN nitra-session difference wave (N=6) for the three pairs of electrodes.


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