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Impact de l'utilisation d'internet sur le niveau de réussite des élèves de la terminale tss du lycée Massa Makan Diabaté.

par Djiby Bakary SISSOKO
UCAO - UUBA - Master 2017

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Our theme entitled "Impact of the Internet on the level of academic achievement of students at the Lycée Massa Makan Diabaté: the case of the students of the 12th Terminal Social Sciences" is placed in a logic to guide the world of school to the judicious use of the Internet in the face of the inadequacy of the bibliographic resources found in Mali.

Consequently, the bibliographic resources constitute an imperative with regard to the school success. As well in Mali it is given to see that there is a poverty of the bibliographic resources or even the absence of these .certain forms of use of the Internet by students would fill this gap.

The objective of this work is to study the impact of the Internet on the level of success in school. The problem is therefore the following: what would be the impact of the use of the Internet by students on the level of school success, including the school performance? In this context we will treat the school success in relation to school performance.

The following assumptions have been made:

? The use of the Internet is a factor related to the academic success of students at the Lycée Massa Makan Diabaté.

? The inadequacy of the bibliographic resources is one of the causes of the use of the Internet by the students.

? The bibliographic resources and possible interactions on the Internet are categories of use which contribute to the school success.

To respond to the problem, an experience including the administration of a questionnaire to students users and non-users formulated from assumptions of research, has been conduct. The respondents were distributed in such a way as to reasoned choice in two groups (internet users and non-users internet).From this classification, they proceeded to the responses to a questionnaire of the same items. The replies thus collected show that Internet users have obtained better marks at school in this case the tables XII, XIII, XIV and XV. These results indicate that some forms of use of the Internet primarily to purpose of documentation promote the school success.

From these findings, the use of the Internet primarily in harmony with the school work (documentation, interaction Expert/novice, sharing of ideas) allow to succeed but it must also recognize that other forms of uses of the Internet that have nothing to do with his


work (watching pornographic videos, surf on the malicious sites, etc.) produce adverse effects. Further research should investigate the possibility to use the Internet in class to improve the teaching/learning.


Liste des tableaux et figures

Tableau 1: Utilisation d'Internet 29

Tableau 2: modalités d'utilisation de l'Internet (moteurs de recherche ou réseaux

sociaux) sociaux 37

Tableau 3: fréquence d'utilisation d'Internet. 37

Tableau 4: outil d'utilisation Internet 38

Tableau 5: lieux d'utilisation d'Internet 38

Tableau 6: utilisation de passerelle d'Internet 39

Tableau 7: Objectifs cherchés sur Internet 39

Tableau 8: satisfaction quant à l'objectif recherché sur Internet 40

Tableau 9: raisons de satisfaction ou non quant à l'objectif cherché sur Internet 40

Tableau 10: recherches dans les matières principales sur Internet 41

Tableau 11: raisons de faire ou non de recherches sur Internet 41

Tableau 12: moyenne au dernier trimestre 42

Tableau 13: notes obtenues en philosophie à l'évaluation 42

Tableau 14: rang au cours du dernier trimestre 43

Tableau 15: notes obtenues en sociologie à l'évaluation 43

Tableau 16: moyenne au dernier trimestre 44

Tableau 17: notes obtenues en philosophie à l'évaluation 44

Tableau 18: rang au cours du dernier trimestre 45

Tableau 19: notes obtenues en sociologie à l'évaluation 45

Tableau 20: Facteur de réussite scolaire 46

Figure 1: Fréquence des formes d'utilisation Internet 51

Figure 2: Fréquence des rangs obtenus par les utilisateurs Internet 51

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Entre deux mots il faut choisir le moindre"   Paul Valery