Impact of family conflict in love affairs through romeo and juliet by William Shakespearepar N'dimonté Bienvenue Sekou Université de Parakou - Licence 2020 |
Table of contents Résumé................................................................................................................................V 1- CHAPTER ONE: STUDY BACKGROUND 3 1-1- Background of the novel 3 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 13 2-2-1FAMILY CONFLICTS IN LOVE AFFAIRS IN UNDER THE STORM OF SEYDOU BADIAN 15 2-2-2 FAMILY CONFLICTS IN LOVE AFFAIRS IN THE GHOSTS OF BRAZILBY FLORENT COUAO ZOTTI 20 2-2-3-FAMILIES CONFLICT IN LOVE AFFAIRS THROUGH MIDSUMMER NIGHT DREAM'S BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 22 2-2-4-FAMILIES CONFLICT IN LOVE AFFAIRS THROUGH THISBE AND PYRAMUS BY Theophile DE VIAU 23 CHAPTER THREE: IMPACT OF FAMILIES CONFLITS IN LOVE AFFAIRS THROUGH ROMEO AND JULIET BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 25 3-1-CONCEPTUAL CLARIFICATION 25 3-5-INTERPRETATION OF THE FIELD WORK 33 CHAPTER FOUR: CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND PERSONAL STAND 36 DEDICATIONI dedicate this work to my senior brother Kouagou N'tcha Jean and my dear mother Massi Kanti Georgette. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFirstly, I would like to express my special thanks to God to have given me the inspiration to complete this project with success. Secondly, I would like to thank my humble supervisor Dr Alidou R. Ibourahima Boro whose valuable guidance has been one that help patch this project and make it full proof success his suggestions and his instructions has served as the major the contributor towards the completion of the project and his colleagues Doctors in British specialty: Dr.Towa Sello Joiny and Dr.H.A.Seguedeme. Thirdly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their valuable suggestions and guidance has been helpful in various phrases of the completion of this project. Last but not the least I would like to thank my classmates who have helped me.May God keep all of you still strong and bless you everlasting he reigns. AbstractThis study is conducted to show the impacts of family conflicts in love affairs in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare through a critical analysis. Romeo and Juliet tells the story of Romeo and Juliet who meet and fall in love with each other, but as pure as their love was everything goes wrong at the end because of thebitterness, quarrel between the two families (Capulet and Montague).Next, the conflicts between those two families has led six death in five span days and finally both family have decided to put end their war by conciliating themselves. Romeoand Juliet is not only a play that people enjoyed in earlier time, but its joyful is still remaining for today because of the story inside the play can be still applied on the love of many couples of today at this time. Key words: conflict, love, affairs, Romeo,Juliet Cette étude est menée pour montrer les impacts des conflits familiaux dans les relations amoureuses dans Rome et Juliette par William Shakespeare à travers une analyse critique. Romeo et Juliette raconte l'histoire de Romeo et Juliette qui se rencontrent et tombent amoureux les uns des autres, cependant aussi pure que leur amour soit tout fini mal àla fin à cause del'amertume, les querelles entre ces deux familles (Capulet, Montague).Ensuite, lesconflits entre ces deux familles a conduit six morts en Cinq jours et finalement, les deux familles se sontréconcilié en mettant fin à leur guerre. Romeo et Juliette n'est pas seulement la pièce dont jouis les gens plus tôt, mais sa joie demeure pour aujourd'hui, car l'histoire à l'intérieur de la pièce peut encore être appliquée sur les amours de nombreux autres couples en ce moment. Mots clés : conflits,amour,affaires,Romeo,Juliette |