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S'exposer et souffrir. Blessures et nudité dans la performance féminine contemporaine. Avatars et dérives d'une fonction politique.

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Naura Kassou
Université de Lorraine (site de Metz) - Maîtrise d?Arts et culture (mention Arts plastiques) 2016

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Table des illustrations

FIGURE 1 : Ana Mendieta, Blood Inside Outside, 1975
Mary Beth Edelson, Trickster

Body/Baubo, 1973..............................................................................23 FIGURE 2 : Ewa Partum, Change, 1979......................................................23 FIGURE 3 : Tracey Emin, Everyone I have Ever Slept With 1963-1995, 1995
My Bed,

1998..............................................................................................23 FIGURE 4 : Hannah Wilke, S.O.S Starification Object Series (Curlers), 1974-1975

Hannah Wilke Super-t-Art, 1974-1991
Intra Venus #3, 1992-1993
Intra Venus #6,

1992-1993.......................................................................................24 FIGURE 5 : Annie Sprinkle, Post-Porn Modernist Show, 1992...........................31 FIGURE 6 : Mona Hatoum, Corps Étranger, 1994..........................................31 FIGURE 7 : Egle Rakauskaite, In Honey, 1996..............................................31 FIGURE 8 : Carolee Schneemann, Up to and Including Her Limits with Kitch, 1974

Study for Up To and Including Her Limits, 1973
Up to and Including Her Limits,

ibid.......................................................................................32 FIGURE 9 : Carolee Schneemann, Eye Body, 1963..........................................51 FIGURE 10 : Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975....................................51 FIGURE 11 : Carolee Schneemann, Meat Joy, 1964..........................................52 FIGURE 12 : Valie Export, Tapp und Tastkino, 1968
Action Pants, Genital Panic,

1969..............................................................................................52 FIGURE 13 : Carolee Schneemann, Hand/Heart for Ana Mendieta, 1986................53 FIGURE 14 : Ana Mendieta, Untitled (Death of a Chicken), 1972.........................54


FIGURE 15 : Ana Mendieta, Rape Scene, 1973...54 FIGURE 16 : Joan Jonas, Mirror Check, 1970...55 FIGURE 17 : Vlasta Delimar, Lady Godiva, 2001.....55 FIGURE 18 : Boryana Rossa, Vitruvian Body, 2009...55 FIGURE 19 : Yolene Richard, À ma planche, 2016...56 FIGURE 20 : Katarzyna Kozyra, Olympia, 1996...56 FIGURE 21 : Evangelia Basdekis, I Trust You, 2007........69 FIGURE 22 : Eve Bonneau, ALT TLA, 2014...69 FIGURE 23 : Milo Moiré, The Script System, 2013
· The Naked Life
, 2015
· Box

Performance, 2016....70 FIGURE 24 : Lena Marquise, Body As Commodity, 2014...70 FIGURE 25 : Gina Pane, Blessures théoriques, 1970...105 FIGURE 26 : Gina Pane, Psyché, 1973
· Azione Sentimentale
, 1975
· Le corps pressenti

· Psyché
, 1974...106 FIGURE 27 : Gina Pane, Transfert, 1973........106 FIGURE 28 : Gina Pane, Escalade non anesthésiée, 1971...107 FIGURE 29 : Gina Pane, Le corps pressenti, 1975
· Io mescolo tutto
, 1976
· Manipulation

d'humus, 1970........107 FIGURE 30 : Gina Pane, Action Autoportrait(s) - mise en condition / contraction / rejet,

1973........108 FIGURE 31 : Marina Abramovic, Lips of Thomas, 1975-1993
· Lips of Thomas
, 1976

Rhythm 5, 1976
· Lips of Thomas
, 1975
· ibid.
· Lips of Thomas
, 1975-1993
· Lips of

Thomas, 1993...109 FIGURE 32 : Marina Abramovic et Ulay, Breathing In - Breathing Out, 1976
· AAA -

AAA, 1978
· The Lovers, The Great Wall Walk
, 1988...110


FIGURE 33 : Marina Abramovic et Ulay, Relation in Space, 1976
Light / Dark, 1977

Relation in Time, 1977 .....110

FIGURE 34 : Marina Abramovic, Rhythm 0, 1974 111

FIGURE 35 : ORLAN, Couture et suture, 4ème chirurgie, Opération réussie, 1991 112

FIGURE 36 : Kira O'Reilly, Wet Cup, 2000
Succour, 2002
Wet Cup, 2000 112

FIGURE 37 : Kira O'Reilly et Manuel Vason, Post-Succour, 2001 .....113

FIGURE 38 : Kira O'Reilly et Manuel Vason, Wet Cup, 2000 ..113

FIGURE 39 : Angelika Fojtuch, Performance interwencyjny, 2013 .114

FIGURE 40 : Sigalit Landau, Barbed Hula, 2000 ....114

FIGURE 41 : Mary Coble, Blood Script, 2008 .....115

FIGURE 42 : He Chengyao, 99 Needles, 2002 ....116

FIGURE 43 : Regina José Galindo, Perra, 2005
Vertigo, 2005
Hilo de Tiempo,

2012 .....116



précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"L'ignorant affirme, le savant doute, le sage réfléchit"   Aristote