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Feasibility study: pure argan oil

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par Bouchaib jarir
Cambridge college - Master degree 2016

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

Cold Pressing Method

This method is using to respond to the western hygiene standards.  This method requires the use of the new technologies in the production process. During the production process, the women still crack the Argan nuts by hand. After that the cracked nuts are crushed and grinded by a specific machine which is dedicated for this purpose. And the nuts are cold pressed, and producing a pure cosmetic Argan oil from the press.  This method is used in order to produce the cosmetic Argan oil.

Benefits of Pure Argan Oil

Pure Argan oil has a variety of benefits:

· Pure Argan oil could be used safely and effectively as a moisturizer for dry skin and for a more radiant, fresh, younger looking appearance;

· As a Lightweight Moisturizer Pure Argan oil is easily absorbed into the skin and delivers maximum hydration;

· Pure Argan oil could be also used as a gentle makeup remover that moisturizes skin as it easily removes stubborn makeup;

· Adding a few drops to liquid foundation adds a dewy-youthful glow to the skin;

· Great moisturizer for rough cuticles and strengthener for brittle nails;

· Serves as an all-natural anti-aging night time moisturizer;

· Improves condition of hair, smooth's and reduces fizziness;

· No Parabens, additives, fillers or harmful chemicals;

· Premium Grade A form Morocco. Cold pressed;

· Safe for all skin types


Because of the increased use of the cosmetic Argan Oil around the world, starting a business whose main goal is the distribution of a pure and organic Argan oil, will without doubt be a profitable business if it has been well planned for it. Doing a Feasibility Study/feasibility study is a good idea because it will give me good estimates and help me and study all kind of possible obstacles and barriers. Even its high price compared to other similar oils.  The use of Argan oil is no longer the monopoly of wealthy people, the targeted market is growing more and more.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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