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Politique monétaire, crédit et croissance en Inde

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Josué BANGA
Université Grenoble Alpes - Gouvernance des organisations pour le développement international (Godi) 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Tableau 3: Transmission de la politique monétaire par les taux

Repo Rate

Reverse Repo Rate

Lending Rate

Deposit Rate

(-)50 bps 5th March 02

(-)50 bps 5th March 02


(-)25 bps 18th May 02

(-)25 bps 27th June 02

(-)25 bps 27th June 02


(-)25 bps 24th Aug. 02

(-)25 bps 30th Oct. 02

(-)25 bps 30th Oct. 02

(-)50 bps 9th Nov. 02

(-)50 bps 14th Sep. 02 (-)75 bps 14th Nov. 02


(-)50 bps 7th Mar. 03

(-)50 bps 6th Dec. 03

(-)25 bps 18th Jan. 03 (-) 25 bps 10th May. 03

(-)100 bps 25th Aug. 03

(-)50 bps 25th Aug. 03

(-)25 bps 18th Sep. 04

(-) 25 bps 6th Dec. 03 (-) 25 bps 17th Jan. 04


(+)25 bps 27th Oct. 04


(+)50 bps 4th Dec. 04


(+)25 bps 29th Apr. 05


(+)25 bps 31st Dec. 05

(+)25 bps 26th Oct. 05

(+)25 bps 26th Oct. 05


(+)25 bps 24th Jan. 06

(+)25 bps 24th Jan. 06


(+)50 bps 18th Mar. 06

(+)25 bps 9th Jun. 06

(+)25 bps 9th Jun. 06

(+) 50 bps 6th May. 06


(+)25 bps 25th Jul. 06

(+)25 bps 25th Jul. 06

(+) 25 bps 5th Aug. 06

(+)100 bps 5th Aug. 06

(+)25 bps 31st Oct. 06


(+)50 bps 6th Jan. 07

(+)50 bps 20th Jan. 07

(+)25 bps 31st Jan. 07


(+)50 bps 17th Feb. 07

(+)50 bps 17th Feb. 07

(+)25 bps 31st Mar. 07


(+)75 bps 14th Apr. 07

(+)60 bps 30th Jun. 07

(+)25 bps 12th Jun. 08


(-)50 bps 8th Mar. 08

(-)50 bps 17th Nov. 07

(+)50 bps 25th Jun. 08


(+)50 bps 5th Jul. 08

(+)50 bps 5th Jul. 08

(+)50 bps 30th Jul. 08


(+)75 bps 16th Aug. 08

(+)50 bps 23rd Aug. 08 (+)50 bps 4th Oct. 08

(-)100 bps 20th Oct. 08


(-)50 bps 6th Dec. 08

(-)50 bps 20th Nov. 08


(-)50 bps 15th Nov. 08


(-)100 bps 8th Dec. 08

(-)100 bps 8th Dec. 08

(-)25 bps 6th Dec. 08


(-)100 bps 5th Jan. 09

(-)100 bps 5th Jan. 09

(-)75 bps 3rd Jan. 09

(-)100 bps 17th Jan. 09

(-)50 bps 4th Mar. 09

(-)50 bps 4th Mar. 09

(-)25 bps 11th Apr. 09

(-)25 bps 14th Mar. 09

(-)25 bps 21st Apr. 09

(-)25 bps 21st Apr. 09

(-)25 bps 4th Jul. 09

(-)25 bps 4th Apr. 09 (-) 25 bps 9th May 09

(-) 25 bps 20th Jul. 09 (-) 25 bps 1st Aug. 09

(-) 25 bps 10th Oct. 09

(+)25 bps Mar. 10

(+)25 bps 21st Mar. 10



(+)25 bps Apr. 10

(+)25 bps Apr. 10



(+)25 bps Jul. 10

(+)25 bps Jul. 10


(+) 25 bps 21st Aug.10

(+)25 bps Aug. 10

(+)50 bps Aug. 10


(+) 25 bps 2nd Oct.10

Source : Pandit et Vashisth (2011), p. 11



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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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