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Problematic of liquidation and dissolution of companies under rwandan law: case study of Rwandatel( Télécharger le fichier original )par Ernestine Numukobwa Université du Rwanda - Bachelor of Law 2014 |
BIBLIOGRAPHYI.LEGAL INSTRUMENTS I.1 Rwandan Laws I.1.1 Laws 1. Organic law no 6/2012 of 14/09/2012 determining the organization, functioning and jurisdiction of commercial courts, O.G. no 45 of 05/11/2012. 2. Organic law no 59/2007 of 16/12/2007 establishing the commercial courts and determining their organization, functioning and jurisdiction,O.G. no special of 16/12/2007. 3. Law no 46/2013 of 16/06/2013 establishing Rwanda Development Board and determining its mission, organization and functioning, O.G. no special of 16/06/2013. 4. Law no 9/2013 of 1/03/2013 establishing Rwanda Regulatory Authority and determining its mission, powers, organization and functioning, O.G. no14 BIS OF 8/04/2013. 5. Law no14/2010 of 07/05/2010 modifying and complementing Law no 7/2010 of 27/04/2009 relating to Companies, O.G. no special of 14/05/2010. 6. Law no12/2009 of 26/05/2009 relating to commercial recovery and settling of issues arising from insolvency, O.G. no special of 26/05/2009. 7. Law no7/2009 of 27/04/2009 relating to Companies, O.G. no17 bis of 27/04/2009. 8. Law no55/2007 of 30/11/2007 governing the Central Bank of Rwanda, O.G. no special of 20/02/2008. 9. Law no44/2001of 30/11/2001 governing Telecommunications, O.G. no 23 bis of 01/12/2001. 10. Law no 39/2001 of 13/09/2001 establishing Rwanda Utilities and Regulatory Agency, O.G. no 20 of 15/10/2001. 11. Presidential Order no 4/01 of 15/03/2004 determining specific Duties of the Regulatory Board in Telecommunications Matters, O.G. no special of 30/03/2004. I.1.2 Regulations 1. RURA regulations for Quality of Services of cellular mobile and fixed network services 2. Rwandatel Mobile and Fixed License. I.2 Foreign Laws 1. Canadian Companies Act, chapter 27 of the revised statutes of Canada 192. 2. Kenyan Companies Act, chapter 486. 3. Kenyan Companies Act, 2012 edition, chapter 486. 4. Indian Companies Act 1956, section 3. 5. UK insolvency Act 1986, section 122. II. Cases law Nyge tc, 18/07/2011, Rcom 0175/011/tc/Nyyge, Registrar General of companies Vs Rwandatel Ltd, unpublished. III. Books 1. ACCA, Corporate and Business Law , Foulks Lynch, Britain, 2004. 2. Campbell H, A Law Dictionary, The Law book Exchange LTD., New Jersey, 1995. 3. Emerson R.B.et al., Business Law, 5th ed., Business review Library, USA, 2009. 4. Emerson R.W., Company Law,Barron's Educational Series, 2004. 5. Gulshan S. S. et al., Business Law including Company Law, 12th ed., New Age International (IP),New Delhi, 2005. 6. Kapoor G.K., Business and Corporate Laws, 1st ed., Sultan and Sons, New Delhi, 2002. 7. Loewen J. et al., Attract Investors to your Business, John Willey and Sons, 2008. 8. Merte P., Droit Commerciales, Sociétées Commeciales, Collection Précis Dalloz Droit Privé, Paris, 2012. 9. Salgado M.B., Droit des Entreprises en Difficulté, Bréal Edition, Rome, 2007. 10. Smith D., Company Law, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. . IV. Journals 1. Editorial, «Government seeks Court Order to Liquidate Rwandatel», Rwanda Focus, issue no 565, April 18, 2011 2. Rumanzi A., «Rwandatel faced uncertainty after RURA ultimatum», Rwanda Focus, issue no 456, May 5, 2011. V. Report 1. Report on the Implementation of the License Obligations, Share, Pledge, Technical Proposal and the Investment Plan of Lap GreenN. VI. Electronic Sources 1. Davis G.F., «Re-imaging the corporation, Ross School of Business,» University of Michigan, www.investopedia.com/terms/p/publiccompany.asp/ , last accessed May 14, 2014. 2. Company Law Solutions Limited, «Types of Companies», Companylawclub.co.uk/topics/types_of_companies.shtml, last accessed May 6, 2014. 3. Kenya Law Resource Center, «Winding up of companies», available at Kenyanlawresourcecenter.blogspot.com/2011/07/winding-up-of-companies.html?m=1, last accessed May 5, 2014. 4. NBR, «About supervision», http://www.bnr.rw/index.php?id=138, last accessed May 12, 2014. 5. RDB, «Registering Business in Rwanda»,www.rwandahc.org/trade-and-investment/registering-a-business-in-rwanda/, last accessed May 6, 2014. 6. RURA, «Communication and Media, available» at www.rura.rw/index.php?id=4, last accessed May 1, 2014 7. Taieb N., «Liquidation», 2014 available at www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preferential_creditor/, last accessed May 6, 2014. 8. Tully K.,» Helping Companies in Trouble», available at www.howtolaw.co.nz/liquidate-a-company-xidp392106.html/ last accessed May 6, 2014. 9. Ukwishaka A.,» The rationale and impact of Banques Populaires transformation from a cooperative to a commercial bank», available at www.memoireonline.com/06/10/3610/m_The_rationale-and-impact-of-Banques-Populaire-transformation-from-a-cooperative-to-a-commercial-ban11.html/ last accessed May 31, 2014. 10. Ward S., «Closing Your Business», available at www.sbinfocanada.about.com/o/closingyourbusiness/a/closingbusiness.htm, last accessed May 1, 2014 11. X,«Rwandatel Liquidation», www.judiciary.gov.rw/cases/judgements/?cat=162/ , last accessed on 09th/10/2013. VII. Interviews 1. Interview with Mrs. MUKANGABO Beatha, the head of RURA Legal Affairs Directorate. 2. Interview with Mr. NDACYAYISENGA Emmanuel former Rwandatel Ltd employee 3. Interview with some of Nyarugenge Commercial Court staff. |