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Problematic of liquidation and dissolution of companies under rwandan law: case study of Rwandatel

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Ernestine Numukobwa
Université du Rwanda - Bachelor of Law 2014

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

II. 5.Consequences of companies' dissolution in Rwanda

When a company is dissolved, it ceases its existence and its assets are transferred to the creditors and the name of a dissolved company becomes free for use in new company incorporation. Rwanda as a country which adopted the politic of attracting investors, when a company is dissolved it can decrease a number of those people that were wishing to come and invest in the country. They may quest themselves which reasons conducted the dissolved company to its insolvency. The consequences of a company dissolution touch so many people and here below the researcher is going to show the impact the dissolution of Rwandatel did to Rwandan trade, to its then employees and finally to its customers.

II.5.1.Consequences Rwandan economy

Any country has to be worried if the companies that were operating within its territory are being dissolved. Bankruptcy has negative effects on an economy when it occurs en masse. This is usually a symptom of a larger economic downturn and serves as part of a negative feedback loop that can reinforce a recession or depression. For example, significant increase in the rate of consumer bankruptcy will lower consumer confidence and spending. It will increase the savings rate, which can have short term negative impacts on a consumer-driven economy. This, in turn, will have implications for corporate profits, usually resulting in, if not bankruptcy, and then reduced corporate investment, hiring and wage freezes and job cuts. These reactions, especially higher unemployment rates, then further impact consumer attitudes and behavior and reinforce an economic downturn.Considering Rwandatel, it was a company which used to be a public company and it was sold to the private investors so that they manage it well in the interest of country. Those investors are the one which conducted it bankruptcy and it was like a disappointment to Rwandan trade.

II.5.2.Consequences to the dissolved companies' staff

Once Rwandatel was declared insolvent, most of its employees lost their job and as it is known it is hard to get a new job especially when losing a job comes like a surprise without being prepared of it. Even if all employees got the six months of salary as it is provided by Rwandan labor law, till now there are some who did not get another job yet. This increases the number of jobless people in the country.

II.5.3. Consequences to customers

The dissolution of Rwandatel touched to its customers because the presence of a lot of telecommunication companies is good for customers as they have a lot of choice and the fact that it gives the competition on market, all companies compete for having the best services so that it attract customers. Rwandatel was known as the cheapest telecommunication company and upon its mobile license revocation, its customers had to join other remaining companies and it was because they were no other choice.


Company dissolution and liquidation varies from country to country, each country has its procedure and process of doing it. That is to say; the way it is done in Canada differs from that in Kenya or in Rwanda.

A company may be dissolved voluntarily when it is a result of the will of itsshareholders, or when it achieves the purpose for which it was established;on the contrary it can also be involuntarily dissolved when it is a forced dissolution. Here, most of the time it is a result of a court order.

A court decides on company dissolution when the company is no longer capable of meeting its liabilities. The court has first to declare the company insolvent so that the procedure of liquidation starts. This is where the problematic of how dissolution is done comes.

There are steps of liquidating a company, and those steps have to be provided for by the Law.

On a comparative approach, it was found that the Kenyan Companies' Act provides for the procedure employed in the dissolution of an insolvent company, besides the use of Kenyan case law and the UK case law.

On the other hand, the Canadian Companies' Act also provides for the procedures of dissolving a company and both the common law andcivil law practices are employed.

The Canadian approach is interesting because investors have more options in a hybrid system.

Under Rwandan law, company dissolution and its liquidation have undergoes several steps.First of all, a company's insolvency is established, ushering into its dissolution which then gives birth to its liquidation where its assets are distributed to its creditors.

Normally, company dissolution procedures give rise to issues including problems in the country's economy while on the other hand problems relating to company liquidation.

The Law should provide for all procedures that should govern dissolution and liquidation in order to protect company stakeholders from falling victim to the companies' bankruptcy.

Rwandan company law does not contain provisions governing dissolution of companies even though law N. 12/2009 of 26/05/2009 relating to commercial recovery and settling of issues arising from insolvency has provisions governing company liquidation and all things related to the process, it does not provide for circumstances in which a company may be dissolved. This may be seen as a gap in Rwandan laws as thelegislator should have regulated all such matters to avoid misinterpretation of laws and to encourage judgment based on existing laws and provisions.

Having noticed this raised concerns on which law the court based its decision of dissolving Rwandatel. The court judgment refers to laws on which it based its decision, and they include the above said law relating to commercial recovery and settling of issues arising from insolvency, yet when this law is analyzed, one finds that the provision the court referred to was on the liquidation and the appointment of a temporary administrator.

Though the court claims to have based on the above said law, there is no single provision in it relating to the dissolution of companies.This then creates a dilemma because normally when a company is declared insolvent; it has first to be dissolved and then the liquidated.

Rwanda is rebuilding itself and as a country that faced its worst darkness 20 years ago when the economy of the country completely collapsed, and now it is classified among the top countries with investor friendly policies, as like laws are being adoptedalong amending old provisions to meet the needs and expectations of investors, we can therefore be sure of an improvement in the future.

In conclusion therefore, as a recommendation, the legislator should revise Rwandan company law and adopt provisions regulating dissolution of companies.

The lack of these provisions may stand as an obstacle to the Rwandan policies of attracting investors, because the later may be frustrated withtheir company' fate in cases of bankruptcy as there is no legal provisions regulating such issues under Rwandan law.

In addition, Rwanda should learn from Kenyan case law relating to the winding up of companies, this will help her develop her laws which in return shall attract Kenyan and other foreign investors to come and invest in Rwanda.

Before declaring a company insolvent, there should be prior assessment of the impact its dissolution will have on the Rwandan society and other stakeholders so that corresponding precautions be taken in order to reduce or eliminate resulting consequences.

Rwandan laws have many untimely amendments that have a negative impact on companies' stability in business, so the legislator should adopt stable laws that will meet the requirements of their subjects; companies.

All in all, this work showed thatRwandan law posses a problematic relating to dissolution of companies and this should be corrected by the study and assessment by concerned institutions and take all necessary steps in order to fill the gap which is in the Rwandan law.

Now that Rwanda has established the law reform commission, it would be very helpful for it to review the Rwandan company law as it regulates matters relating to commerce, yet commercial activities are very essential to the development of the Rwandan investment sector. Once these steps are taken, there won't be any problematic related to company dissolution anymore thus encouraging more investment in companies, both domestic and foreign.

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