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Paludisme sur grossesse : cas du service de gynéco-obstétrique de l'hôpital général de référence de Walungu : à  propos de 40 cas. (2011,2012)

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Toussaint BIHINGOYI
UNIVERSITE EVANGELIQUE EN AFRIQUE/UEA RDC -  Mémoire présenté et défendu en vue de l?obtention du Grade de Docteur en Médecine 2012

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Objectives: To describe the risk factors, clinical features, complications of malaria during pregnancy and maternal and fetal prognosis. .

METHODS: A retrospective study from 1 January 2011 to 1 January 2013, a study period of 2 years service in obstetrics gynecology general hospital Walungu. Data were recorded and analyzed using Excel 2010 software. The percentage was calculated using the formula:%nx = 100 / n Ó

The following parameters were studied:

- For the mother: The origin, maternal age, parity, obstetric formula, date of last rule, expected date of confinement, clinical signs, gestational age, mode of delivery.

- In the newborn: birth weight, mode of output (living or dead).


Results: During our study period forty cases of malaria were diagnosed in the obstetrics and gynecology department of the General Referral Hospital Walungu a total of 8351 women hospitalized during the 24 months an incidence of 0.5% frequency. Malaria in pregnancy is higher in women from outside territory 80% .67,5% of malaria on pregnancy are born to mothers whose age is between 18 and 35 ans.52, 5% of cases malaria in pregnancy are from term. The primiparous pregnancies are most affected by malaria during pregnancy with 57.5% .67,5% of pregnant did not follow the ANC, a large proportion of pregnant have a fever with an incidence of 90% .55% of newborns have a lower weight to 2500gr. Fetal mortality is 10%, quinine is the drug most commonly used with 67.7%, the threat of birth is 37.5%, the threat of abortion 27.5%, preterm delivery 7 5% abortion being 15% last term exceeding 5%.

Conclusion: Malaria is a very common disease like other diseases of tropical Africa, with the most complications in the breast that fetal prognosis. The diagnostic approach based malaria symptoms has a low positive predictive value for pregnancy. A thick or at least a rapid diagnostic test for gout should be routinely performed before any access fé quinine molecule remains the most used in our services.

Keywords: Malaria, Pregnancy, abortion, anemia, hypotrophy, prematurity.


FSKI : Fonds social du Kivu

HGRW : Hôpital Général de Référence de walungu

Prof : Professeur

OMS : Organisation mondiale de la santé

CPN : consultations prénatales

UEA : Université Evangélique en Afrique

RDC : République démocratique du Congo

MFIU : Mort foetale in utero

DDR : Date de dernier regle

DPA : Date probable d'accouchement

G.E : Goutte Epaisse

RCIU : Retard de croissance intra utérine

RPM : Rupture prématuré de membranes

IVG : Interruption volontaire de la grossesse

IST : Infection sexuellement transmissible

GEU : Grossesse extra utérine

CSA :Chondroitinsulphate A

TDR : Test de diagnostic rapide

SP : Sulfadoxine pyriméthamine

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Nous devons apprendre à vivre ensemble comme des frères sinon nous allons mourir tous ensemble comme des idiots"   Martin Luther King