Socio-cultural issues of conservation, morphological
structural characteristics and natural regeneration of shea parklands were
carried out in two vegetation types from 158 rectangular sample plots of 30m x
30m chosen in 20 villages and 300 households in Benin.
As regards socio-cultural factors, there is a high significant
difference between ethnics groups as far as in situ conservation is concerned (
÷2 =67.84; d.f. =2 and P<1%). Creation of parklands
appears as a
socio-economic and cultural fact, which is carried out when
farmers cleared land to settle yam and cotton. In Benin, shea is maintained and
conserved on farmers' fields by Bariba, Gando, Peulh, Dendi, Bôo,
Mokolé, Nagot, Lokpa, Bentamaribè et Wama ethnic groups. In
contrast, Fon, Mahi and Idaatcha ethnic groups had no traditional strategies of
in situ conservation of shea. Therefore, there is a high significant difference
between the ethnic groups regarding shea wood utilisation (
÷2 =13.84; ddl=6 and P<5%).
Likewise, the difference between the ethnics groups regarding
utilization of shea as traditional medicine products is also significant (
÷2 =10.65; ddl=4 and P<5%). For Lokpa,
Bentamaribè, Wama, Bôo and Nagot
ethnics groups, the tree is used in ceremonies and burials.
Thus, difference between ethnic groups regarding religious use of shea is
highly significant ( ÷2 =21.91; ddl=2 and P<1%).
The farming system of the parklands is characterized by
shifting cultivation, and it can be differentiated according to south-north
rainfall gradient, ethnic groups, external pressure on the trees in the
parkland, dbh (diameter at breast height) and density of the trees. According
to mesologic and anthropogenic variables that were analysed by MINITAB 13.20
software, five (5) agroforestry parklands are identified in Benin. These are:
(i) Bohicon agroforestry parkland (ii) Savè agroforestry parkland, (iii)
Parakou agroforestry parkland, (iv) Bembéréké agroforestry
parkland and (v) Kandi agroforestry parkland. These analyses were completed by
a measure of morphological descriptors (length of petiole and limb, width
petiole) on 10 leaves chosen at randomly at the lower part of the shea crown
for at least three (3) trees per rectangular plot.
The dbh of 318 trees, spatial distribution and density of
trees augmented from north to south according to rainfall gradient and
latitude. There is a significant difference between those variables
Concerning the structural aspect, trees density in the
different vegetations types followed the same trend with the average distance
d between seed bearer and it's neighbour. This distance is between
1.94 m to 3.36 m. In all of the parklands, spatial distribution was
aggregative. The natural regeneration existed, but is compromised by fire,
luminosity, fallow duration (even if they are short), agricultural activities,
insects and grazing the parkland. Natural regeneration of the tree follows
JANZEN (1970) process of sowing spacing. Only ten years period fallow or older
could secure regeneration of shea tree.
Key words: shea parkland,
socio-cultural importance, population structure, morphology, regeneration,
