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The impact of fiber optic transmission in multiservices networks in rwanda

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par Théogène NIYITEGEKA
National university of Rwanda - Bachelor's degree in electronics and communication system engineering  2011

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Figure 1: Coaxial cable 6

Figure 2: Fiber optic 7

Figure 3 : Basic structure of an optical fiber 9

Figure 4 : Principle of optical transmission 10

Figure 5 :Total internal reflection 11

Figure 6 : Emission block of fiber optical signal and laser diodes as the source 13

Figure 7 : Block scheme of fiber optic receiver 14

Figure 8 : Single mode fiber optic 16

Figure 9 : Multimode step index fiber optic 16

Figure 10: Acceptance cone and acceptance angle in an optic fiber 17

Figure 11: Multimode graded index fiber optic 17

Figure 12 : Fiber optic multiplexing (WDM Point to Point). 19

Figure 13 : Basic Optical System 22

Figure 14 : General structure of a PON 23

Figure 15 : Downstream Traffic Flow in an Ethernet PON 25

Figure 16 : Upstream Traffic Flow in an Ethernet PON 26

Figure 17 : Active optical network 28

Figure 18 : Absorption loss 30

Figure 19 : Rayleigh Scatter loss, 31

Figure 20 : Bending loss 31

Figure 21 : Uplink bandwidth connectivity assigned to NUR 35

Figure 22 : Downlink bandwidth connectivity assigned to NUR 35

Figure 23 : The traffic internet link 36


A/N: Analogue to Digital AON: Active Optical Network

BPON: Broadband Passive Optical Network

CATV: Cable Television DMUX: Demultiplexing DWDM: Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

EMI: Electromagnetic Interference

EPON: Ethernet Passive Optical Network

FTTB: Fiber To The Building FTTC: Fiber To The Cabinet GPON :Gigabyte Passive Optical Network

GPS :Global Positioning System

HDTV: High Definition Television

ICT: Information and Communication Technology

ISP: Internet Service Provider

LASER : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission Radiation LED: Light Emitting Diode

MTN: Mobile Telephone Network

MUX: Multiplexing

NA: Numerical Aperture

NT: Network Terminal

NUR: National University of Rwanda OA: Optical Amplifier

ODN: Optical Distribution Network OLT: Optical Line Terminal

ONT: Optical Network Terminal

ONU: Optical Network Unit

PON: Passive Optical Network

RCV: Receiver

RDB: Rwanda Development Board

SONET: Synchronous Optical Networking STC: Standard Telephone and Cable

STP: Shield Twisted Pair

TDMA: Time Division Multiple Access

TRM: Transmitter

TV: Television

UTP: Unshielded Twisted Pair VLAN: Virtual Local Access Network VSAT: Very Small Aperture Terminal WDM: Wave Division Multiplexing



An optical fiber is a flexible and transparent fiber made of very pure glass (silica) not much bigger than a human hair that acts as a waveguide or light pipe to transmit light between the two ends of the fiber.

Fiber optics though used extensively in the modern world is a fairly simple and old technology, of guiding light by refraction this principle makes fiber optics possible.

The laser was introduced as an efficient source of light and the concept was to show that masers could be made to operate in optical and infrared regions. Basically, light is reflected back and forth in an energized medium to generate amplified light as opposed to excited molecules of gas amplified to generate radio waves as is the case with the maser. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

When the light passes from air into water, the refracted ray is bent towards the perpendicular, When the ray passes from water to air it is bent from the perpendicular if the angle which the ray in water encloses with the perpendicular to the surface be greater than 48 degrees, the ray will not quit the water at all, it will be totally reflected at the surface, The angle which marks the limit where total reflection begins is called the limiting angle of the medium, For water this angle is 48°27', Unpigmented human hairs have also been shown to act as an optical fiber.

Modern optical fibers, where the glass fiber is coated with a transparent cladding to offer a more suitable refractive index appeared later in the decade Development then focused on fiber bundles for image transmission.[1]

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, light was guided through bent glass rods to illuminate body cavities also the Photophone was invented for transmission of voice signals over an optical beam.

The British company Standard Telephones and Cables (STC) was the first to promote the idea that the attenuation in optical fibers could be reduced below 20 decibels per kilometer (dB/km), making fibers a practical communication medium, he proposed that the attenuation in fibers

available at the time was caused by impurities that could be removed, rather than by fundamental physical effects such as scattering, he correctly and systematically theorized the light-loss properties for optical fiber, and pointed out the right material to use for such fibers, silica glass with high purity, attenuation in modern optical cables is far less than in electrical copper cables, leading to long-haul fiber connections with repeater distances of 70-150 kilometers.[2]

Today , Fiber optic systems have many attractive features that are superior to electrical systems, These include improved system performance, immunity to electrical noise, signal security, and improved safety and electrical isolation that why we encourage each Telecommunications services provider of network in Rwanda to implement fiber optics in their services for better communication.

In Rwanda we have five available fiber optics network such as: RDB Fiber ,MTN Fiber ,TIGO fiber, EWSA Fiber and Rwandatel fiber.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Enrichissons-nous de nos différences mutuelles "   Paul Valery