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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


This chapter presents the general information on the paludism, analyzes how the RDC can control paludism and studies then the way in which one can make move back paludism.


1.1.1.Paludism Definition of paludism

According to the dictionary of Flammarion medicine, paludism comes from the Latin word palus, which means marsh and in English malaria; feverish, parasitic, endemic disease and cosmopolitan due to a protozoon, sporozoaire of the plasmodium kind transmitted by the puncture of the hematophagous female of a mosquito of the anophèle kind.

Paludism according to the encyclopaedia is a parasitic disease produced by a protozoon parasitic of blood and transmitted by a mosquito of the hot and marshy areas.

The medical dictionary stipulates that paludism is an endemic infectious disease caused by parasites of the plasmodium kind and transmitted to the man by the puncture of the females of mosquitos of the anophèles kind. History of paludism

Empirical knowledge of the alchemists to the Middle Ages had allowed the establishment of the bonds of causality between the frightening feverish affection and proximity of the marshes from where the expression "fever of the marshes" on the one hand, badly aria or bad air, on the other hand, whose the terms synonymous with paludism derive respectively.

In 1650, the bark of a wild shrub, quinquina, imported of Peru where the autochtones used it since immémoriaux times, made it possible to Europeans to finally reach the treatment of the malaria.

In 1820, two chemists, Furriers and Caventou, isolated from the bark of quinquina about thirty alkaloids of which famous quinines and quinidines.In 1880, a biologist, Laveran, discover in the red globules of the patients reached of the malaria the protozoon responsible for this inffection which it baptized of the name Plasmodium and obtained for this discovery the Nobel Prize of medicine.

In 1898, Bignama, then Grassi in 1899, describe the complete cycle of plasmodiums at the anophèle.The hepatic development of plasmodiums in the human being is shown in 1948 by Shortt and Garnham.

1820 to 1940 surroundings, no therapeutic progress had been carried out, but little before the Second World War, chloroquine, first antipaludic of synthesis, is prepared and opens the way with a whole series of derivative.

In 1957, research is undertaken in the world by WHO. After fast successes especially in zone subtropical and moderated, in the developed countries, the islands, and progress becomes slow, in particular in the disinherited countries.

In 1961 at the time of discovered P. Facifarum resistant to amino-4-quinolines, antipaludic of synthesis largely used, and their extension to the world and currently worrying;whereas in 1968 a campaign east redefines in order to éradiquer the effects of the disease (mortality and morbididté).A present, research is directed towards the vectorial anti fight, the treatment curative and prophylactic (resistance to insecticides) are of a technical but so economic nature, the treatment requires again produced effective against the stocks of P. Falciparum resistant to amino-4- quinolines, and of the antipaludic aimings exoérythrocytaire.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Un démenti, si pauvre qu'il soit, rassure les sots et déroute les incrédules"   Talleyrand