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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


Generally, the expenditure of health amounts between 13 and 15% of the world income. In 2005, they amounted with more than 1.700 billion dollars, which represents at least 13 % of world income. Only extent of the expenditure which the State devotes to health made that it is absolutely essential to include/understand the effect of the policy of the governments on pubic health. The role of the State varies from one country to another. Three reason of an economic nature justify and direct the action of the State, namely:

1. The poor always do not have the means of obtaining the clean care of health to improve their productivity and their good - to be. The

authorities can make move back poverty while investing for pubic health.

2. Certain interventions of health of authentic public goods or create importance positive externalities. The market private would produce only little of it.

3. As the operation of the markets of health and the sickness insurance has weaknesses, the State can improve the good - to be by improving operation of these markets.

A good policy of health takes account of the differences in attention of the diseases. It is effective if it accroit the good - to be population by an improvement of its health, by a greater consumer satisfaction or by a reduction of the total cost of the services compared to what it would be if the State did not intervene.


In RDC we have two types of system, where on with dimensions formal system representing the official organization and other side the abstract system which moreover appears better organized that the formal system.

2.5.1. Formal system

As mentioned above, it is the official structure which organizes the system of care of health according to the desire of the public authority. It is made that for a certain time, this official structure is not any more with measurement to ensure with effectiveness the objectives which are assigned to him by the public authority. Today, this structure is characterized by a advanced dilapidation of the infrastructures, equipment and systematic leakage of the executives towards the sectors abstract.

The buildings which shelter the central services of the Ministry for the Public health are in general in bad state not maintained. On the level of Kinshasa, the Capital of the RDC, one can record some installations which resist such as the University Private clinics of Kinshasa, the General Hospital; of reference of Kinshasa, the Private clinic Ngaliema, the Pediatry of Kalembelembe... there are also others which die under the obliging eye of the authority.

We quote the hospital of Kitambo, the Private clinic Kinoise, the hospital complex King Baudouin 1st.If in Kinshasa, there are installations which have a degree of advanced dilapidation, that in is it on the level of the interior of the country? Indeed, inside the country certain Centers of Health are very dilapidated and make care almost ineffective. These hospitals

which had an initially social objective became truths districts business where doctors and the whole of the personnel do not have decent fees.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Le doute est le commencement de la sagesse"   Aristote