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Impact of the cost of the care of health of menages in Kinshasa

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Université de Kinshasa RDC - Licence 2010

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy


In RDC, the medical system is organized by the Ministry for the Public health, assisted by the Secretariat-general in administrative management. This Ministry is represented in each province by a provincial Ministry of health which acts instead of the central medical authority. The Ministry for Health has the role of ensuring the supply the whole of the population of the care of health of quality at better cost. These various functions are primarily:

· Administration of the care of health, the drug and the technical equipment;

· The management of the environment for health;

· The management of the partnership for health;

· Human inheritance and finance, stock management;

· Studies, planning and standardization;

· The organization of the teaching of sciences of health.

Until 1978, the RDC had medical system inherited colonization. Since then, the base of our policy is based on the strategy of the care of primary health (SSP), following the adhesion of the country to the charter of Alma ATA (1978) and to the Charter of Development in Africa (1980).Concretizing this adhesion in 1981, the RDC had worked out a national medical policy founded on the primary care of health whose objective was to make available the care from health to all the population congolaise.

For fulfilling its functions well, the Ministry for the Public health is structured in medical pyramid which includes/understands: the central level; the intermediate level; and the peripheral level.

2.3.1. Central level

It has primarily a normative, strategic role and of regulation. It includes/understands the Cabinet of the Minister, the Secretariat-general, 13 central directions and 52 directions of programmers/services specialized such as the campaigns against paludism, the onchocercose, tuberculosis, the VIH/SIDA and STI, the National Program of the Nutrition, the National Programmed of Health of the Reproduction and the Widened Program of Vaccination (PEV).The campaigns against the disease are placed under the

coordination of the Management of the fight against the disease (4th Direction).

II.3.2. Intermediate level

This level plays the technical role of support, accompaniment, framing and logistics at the zones of health. In its current configuration, it consists of 11 provincial divisions and 48 districts of health. Each provincial division includes/understands offices corresponding to the normative directions of the central level, a hospital and a laboratory of the provincial level of reference. Each district of health includes/understands three cells charged with:

· general services and studies;

· inspection of the medical departments and pharmaceutical; and

· service of hygiene.

These cells are supervised by the Doctor Head of District. A district supervises approximately ten zones of health.

2.3.3. Peripheral level

The ZS is the operational level. It includes/understands BCZS, a HGR and a network of CS. The ZS is directed by the Doctor Head of Zone supported by the members of the team tallies of the ZS. On recommendation of the States Généraux of Health held in February 2000, the Ministry for Health initiated the process of revision of the medical chart of the country, in order to bring closer the health services the population and to avoid the overlapping of a ZS between two decentralized administrative entities. Thus, the number of ZS passed from 306 to 515 in 2005.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

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