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The U.S foreign policy in the horn of Africa( Télécharger le fichier original )par Rachid Rachid Mohamed Youssouf Université Rennes 2 - M1 2018 |
ConclusionIn summary, the United States foreign policy in the Horn of Africa has taken different forms: from isolationism to the Cold War era. The U.S. also found its national interest through the region and was to strengthen the relations of the region. America's foreign policy during the nineteenth century was overshadowed by rival powers and this refers to Soviet Union coalition. However, strategic interest in the Horn of Africa has waned with the end of the Cold War. Irrespective of the current trends, the Horn of Africa's global geo-political value will remain. The countries that border the Red Sea are strategic as the Red Sea provides vital sea lanes to and from the Middle East and South West Asia. The Red Sea is the shortest waterway connecting East and West. For that main reason, the U.S. foreign policy is based on protecting its interest in the region and at the same it wants to safeguard its ties with oil explorer countries in the Middle East in which the U.S. tied strong relationship and had cornerstone interest of protecting them. U.S. foreign policy towards Sub-Saharan African oil and non-oil states since the early 1960s. Although presidents from Woodrow Wilson to Jimmy Carter to George W. Bush have indicated that the United States has a moral obligation to promote democracy, democracy promotion became a central element of U.S. foreign policy after 1990. Scholars as well as policy makers, however, have suggested that the United States has frequently sacrificed the promotion of democracy and human rights in favor of other goals. In recent years, although promoting democracy and good governance have been described as leading U.S. foreign policy objectives in Africa, they may have been overshadowed by two other goals: the global war on terror and energy security. However, the focus of the U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War had a clear «us vs. them» dimension, with «them» clearly as the communists and their ilk. Domination of communism became vital for every administration's foreign policy during the Cold War. At the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of «them,» a new attempt was launched to divert American foreign policy from war and give it a new objective. Last but not least, it is important to note that the end of the Cold War initiated a new world order and this new world order is called the War on Terror.Bibliography Primary source: Articles: « 67030.pdf ». Consulté le 14 janvier 2018. https://2001-2009.state.gov/documents/organization/67030.pdf. « 9780521444392ws.pdf ». 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