3.1. Introduction
Swetnam (2004) defined research methodology as the way to
tackle the question of «how am I going to find out the answers?».The
purpose of this chapter is identifying the appropriate methodology that is
undertaken for this study. This methodology demonstrates the entire process of
this study, as well as an analysis of the various research methods employed
during the conduct of the research. This section describes the practical
procedures for carrying out the study.
It gives the details of the research design that were
adopted, population study, sampling procedures, data collection procedures, and
the final data analysis techniques that will apply. It gives the framework
within which data are collected and analyzed.
Additionally, this chapter examines the research methodology
suitable for analyzing the «Impact of one cup of milk per child on
children dropout». The methodology demonstrates
the entire research process as well as an analysis of the various research
techniques that have been administered. Besides, this chapter considers the
research design and methodology on which the memoire is based.
3.2. General Description of
the study
In this section, the following items are described: population
study, sample size determination and sampling techniques, description of the
instruments of data collection, data processing, data analysis, and limitation
of the study.
3.2.1. Research design
Christensen (1991); defines research design as an outline, a
plan or a strategy specifying the procedures to be used in investigating the
research problem. It is simply the framework or plan a study used as a guide in
collecting and analyzing data. For the purpose of the current study the survey
method will be adopted.
The research Design of this study is exploratory means and
descriptive, that it will involve testing a hypothesis and deriving that
hypothesis from available theories. To gather the needed data, fieldwork will
be conducted in Huye primary schools using double data collection methods.
Questionnaire and interview sheets will be used to
get perception and clear profile of the impact of one cup of milk per child on
dropout of schools. The data was analyzed and presented in comparative
This study will involve both qualitative and quantitative
data. The qualitative data collection technique is subjective in nature since
it involves examining the perception of teachers. Numerical data analysis and
statistical tests are objective in nature and deal with measuring phenomena.
For this study, regression analysis will be conducted; frequencies and
hypotheses testing will be used.
3.2.2. Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of one cup
of milk per child program on children dropout within Huye primary schools.
3.2.3. Study process
The study is fully described and understood. It was important
to analyze in the process through which the study is conducted. This study
holds both quantitative and qualitative study because during the study
numerical data was collected and analyzed. In this research qualitative
hypothesis testing was used because during the study theoretical elements in
depth interviews were considered.