1. Experimental site
The experimental site of our study is localized on
Kamboinsé campus of the International Institute for Water and
Environmental Engineering (2iE) whose geographic details
are12°27'39.74»N and 1°32'54.78»W. This experiment is
carried out in the vicinity of the water purification plant on campus (Figure

Figure 1: Experimental
site of Kamboinsé (source Google earth)
Kamboinsé village is located at approximately 9 kms in
the North of Ouagadougou on the road to Kongoussi. The population practice
Christianity mainly and has activities such as agriculture, breedingand
marketing of traditional drink «dolo».This locality is submitted to
thesoudano-sahelian climate with a long dry season and a short rain season. The
grounds, with the image of thesahelian grounds, are relatively low in organic
matter and in total elements (N, P, K), they are generally attached to the
classes of average fertility to weak(SOU, 2009). The study is carried out in
the experimental site of Ameli-EAUR project.The experimental design is carried
out on the lettuce crop which uses the combination of compost and top water
(C+TW), urine and top water (U+TW), compost, urine and greywater (C+U+GW),
greywater only (GW), and control with which we use only top water to irrigate
(NoF). There are 3 replications for each combination (Figure 2 below).The area
where the lettuce crop is grownis 1.56 m2 per plank.
The source of compost, urine and greywater which is used to
irrigate thelettuce crop is from the families' pilotof Ziniaré
especially from Barkuundouba and Kolongodjessé villages. Ziniaré
is located in the eastern section with about thirty kilometers far from
Ouagadougou, in the Oubritenga district. Barkuundouba is located at 17 kms of
Ziniaré. The populations includein the majority Peulh (Fulani people)
and practice Islam as the first religion and then Christianity. Breeding is the
principal economic activity of the populations. The second activity is
agriculture with rudimentary farmingtechniques. This activity is dominated by
cereal cultures like millet, sorghum and corn. This sector is also confronted
with the insufficiency of cultivable grounds, the irregularity of the rains and
decreasing soil fertility(Tagro, 2012).
Kolongodjessé, as forit, is located at 7 kms of the
city of Ziniaré on the axis Ouagadougou-Kaya. Its population has
respectively as first and second activities breeding and agriculture.They also
sell traditional drink called «dolo» and mainly include Mossiethnical
group. Contrary to Barkuundouba, the dominant religion with
Kolongodjessé is Christianity(NIKIEMA, 2012).
The gap between the lettuce plants on each plank varies from
10 to 15 centimeters. The choice of lettuce is justified by the roughness of
surface of the edible sheets and the foliated density of the culture. These
characteristics ensure for the micro-organisms a certain disinfecting ability
to through solar radiations. Hence this type of consumed vegetables is
believed to be a vector of pathogenic micro-organisms particularly dangerous
for the consumer (SOU, 2009).
C+U + GW
0.5 m
1.3 m
1.2 m
U + TW
Figure 2: Experimental
design in the site