3.4. Risk characterization
Hazard identification, exposure assessment and dose-response
components were integrated to obtain a risk estimate and then comparing this
risk estimated with the acceptable annual risk of infection according to WHO
guidelines which recommend 10-6 DALY. The framework of steps of
Monte Carlo method is shownin figure4.
Randomizing series of numbers following specific distribution
for pathogen concentration in reclaimed water
Repeat for annual exposure frequency
Calculation of a dose from the exposure scenario and from
randomized pathogen concentration in reclaimed water
Repeat for each data set
Calculation of a single daily exposure risk using the
dose-response curve
Calculation of annual risk from the specific exposure scenario
Averagedifferent data sets
Compare with acceptable annual risk of infection(e.g., WHO
recommends 10-6DALY )
Figure 4: Steps of
calculation of Monte Carlo Method