In Benin as in other West African countries, Agriculture is a
predominant activity and occupies more than 70 percent of active population and
contributes to 38 percent of the Gross domestic production (GDP). Despite his
predominance within Beninese economy, this sector is still not well organized
and is characterized with basic means and inadequate marketing strategies. As a
result, producers are hardly able to ensure their food security and get out of
poverty. In order to face this situation and provide producers with substantial
incomes, it is crucial to diverse produced crops and to encourage those like
yam that could helps farmers not only to make non negligible profit but also to
meet their nutritional needs.
Factually, yam originated in Africa and it plays a crucial
role in the systems of production. Yam is so appreciated and so valued within
populations that in most African production areas, an annual feast is held in
its honor: the yam feast. The outbreak of systems of productions toward markets
attributed to yam, the role of providing farmers with important incomes. But
the realization of those two roles is hindered by two factors namely the access
to land and the high cost of production that make difficult yam production.
Effectively Yam requires highly fertile soils and yield decreases quickly with
successive cultivations on the same portions. Thus, Yam is a labor demanding
culture; so is it with seeds for the repetition of the species. Seeds demand is
so important that it becomes a challenging issue for production. The district
of Glazoué has been chosen due to the importance of yam production and
mainly because of Magoumi which is a striving village of Corus project. The
main objective is to follow the evolution of yam based system of production and
to assess the place of yam within the system through an analysis of
profitability. Analysis tools are the study of margin and of cost, and Cobb
Douglass function of production. Three systems of production are identified and
analyzed. Sample is made of 40 producers randomly selected and count is held of
the systems in vigor from January 2010 through January 2011. The results
revealed that yam based systems of production have significantly developed,
generating by the way new systems like the system of culture on newly cleared
land due to the scarcity of lands convenient to yam production and systems of
production on shallow land. The Shallow land systems covering 40 per cent of
the sample seemed to be the most profitable, then followed the newly cleared
land system covering 27per cent of the sample. The last and the less profitable
system of production was the early cleared land system of production
representing 32.5 per cent of sample. This low profitability was due to drastic
fall down of soil fertility. Assessment of Cobb Douglass function of production
revealed that yam yield in the study area depends on cultivated surface and on
the quantity of available paid manpower.
Par Habib Lorentz PADONOU/ ESAC- 2010-2011/ Page x
[Analyse socio-économique des systèmes de
production agricole à base d'igname dans la commune de
Liste des tableaux xi
Liste des figures xii
Liste des photos xii
Liste des cartes xii
Liste des sigles et abréviations xiii
Tables des matières xiv