2.4.2 Questionnaire design
The survey questionnaire was used as the main data-gathering
instrument for this study. The survey was composed of four major sections. The
first section concerned the personal information of the respondent; as the
majority of the hypotheses are based on personal information of the respondent
this section was composed of ten questions about the respondent gender,
situation, place of living, household, income, etc.
The second part of the questionnaire was set up in order to
assess the respondent «knowledge» on ecology and environmental
concern in general.
The third part of the questionnaire was more oriented on the
consumption of green product itself. This section would allow the reader to
know how people are consuming, or not, and why; how do they feel with green
products, what are their intentions?
The last part of the questionnaire is a little bit apart. This
section was established in order to get insight about the consumption of
compatible cartridge in order to let the company; where the internship was
made: Pelikan France SAS; known about the consumption of those products, the
determinants, feeling of consumers etc.
2.4.3 Questionnaire testing
In order to determine the validity and the feasibility of the
questionnaire, a pre-test was held by 15 respondents. This pre-test has
permitted to add the question «I have consider or already bought green
product». Indeed, the first version of the questionnaire did not contain a
clear question about the consumption of green products; therefore the
researcher could clearly know if people have already consumed green product or
2.4.4 Participants
The questionnaire was held by 150 respondents. The respondents
were chosen randomly by the researcher. Participants were treated anonymously;
the researcher was trying to get heterogeneous answers from different people in
term of gender, income, occupation etc. in order to get various backgrounds.