Validity and Reliability
To test the validity and liability of the data collection
instrument a pre-test on the field and a pre- coding were done to measure the
applicability of the research instruments and the results they would generate.
The pre-test was done in Huye District in Southern Province of Rwanda and it
concerned four primary schools, two were private and two public. Its results
guaranteed the quality assurance at 80% as 16 out of 20 respondents repeated
almost the same answers.
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed using summary statistics involving
frequency tables showing categories and percentages. At bi-variate level
Student's T-test was used to find out whether there is a significant difference
between performance of pupils of public primary schools and that of their
counterparts of private primary schools. To measure the availability and the
adequacy of school resources in public primary schools and in private primary
schools, there was an appreciation based on figures between demand and supply
of every item concerned. Items were made up of various educational resources
required by any school for better education. The relationship between teacher
quality and pupils performance was analyzed qualitatively using the data
provided by head teachers using the interview method.
Ethical Consideration
Before the data collection from the field, the researcher
sought for permission and clearance from all the relevant authorities
especially the Mayor of Gasabo District, and The Director of Education, Youth,
Culture and Sports of Gasabo District.
All the information from respondents was used for only the
academic purposes and all respondents were told to keep anonymity on the
questionnaires. The anonymity was also kept on interview schedules. Only codes
were used to differentiate respondents and interviewees, like School A, Teacher
B etc.
Limitations of Study
There was reluctance of some key informants which was assumed
to be a result of their limited understanding of the research topic or to
weakness found in their school administration. It is usually known that most
people do not like to disclose their weak side. Some informants did not have
enough time to fill questionnaires and/or inventory forms in that case, the
researcher was obliged to interview them and to complete questionnaires and/or
forms in their place. Some respondents tried to give wrong information in order
to cover their weakness for example lack of some important educational
facilities. To minimize on the limitation of inadequate understanding of the
topic the researcher made an effort to explain to the respondents what the
research is all about and to control the problem of fear to disclose the weak
points of the schools the researcher assured respondents of anonymity