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Quality of Service and performance characterization of IPv6 relative to IPv4( Télécharger le fichier original )par KAYUMBA Thierry and KAYUMBA Fred National University of Rwanda - Bs Degree 2006 |
To the Almighty God To my late father To my dearest mother To my appreciate Brothers To my cousins I dedicate this book. KAYUMBA Fred To the Almighty God To my late family To my appreciate family victims of genocide To my adoptive families I dedicate this book. KAYUMBA Thierry ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSGrateful acknowledgement is made to the following persons and organizations for their contribution to the success of this work. Our sincere thanks go first and foremost to Mr. ASHRAPH Sulaiman and Miss. Marie Paule for having accepted to supervise this dissertation despite their enormous responsibilities. Without their guidance, support and advice, the completion of this dissertation would be a burden. Sincere big thanks go to the following families: KAYUMBA Etienne, KAYUMBA Charles, family KAMANGO Théophile and family MUCUMANKIKO Silas for their education and love we have presently achieved. Profound thanks go to my aunt late Caritas, my aunt UMUHOZA Epiphanie, MUREKEYISONI Zuena, HAKIZIMANA Louis, MUNYANEZA Achille, RWISUMBURA Eric and MATABARO Albert. [K. Fred] Special thanks go to COUPALA, my little brother NYAGATARE M. Serge, my aunt MUKAKIREZI Joséphine, my cousin-sister TUNGA Claire, GRAINDORGE Céline, SAPHIR Paula Hélène, SANGWA Sylvie and African Evangelical Enterprise Rwanda who have been there when we need them and for their great affection. [K. Thierry] We also thank our classmates and friends for their encouragement and support, whose assistance has not been ignored. The researchers also wish to pass special thanks to the Government of Rwanda, the National University of Rwanda, especially the Department of Computer Science that availed us skills for the accomplishment of this work. KAYUMBA Fred & KAYUMBA Thierry TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I: GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 I.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1 I.3 PROJET OBJECTIVES AND GOALS 2 I.8 ORGANIZATION OF THE STUDY 4 CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGY 5 II.2.4 Techniques Used in the Transition 6 II.4.2 IPv6 addressing notation 10 II.4.3 IPv6 prefixes notation 12 II.4.4 IPv6 address in Uniform Resource Locator (URL) 13 II.4.7 IPv6 addresses with embedded IPv4 addresses 15 II.5.4 Comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 Headers 21 II.5.5 New Extension Headers 22 II.8.2 IPv6 and the Domain Name System 25 II.10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN IPv4 AND IPv6 28 III.2 MIGRATION METHODOLOGY 30 III.3 STEPS IN MIGRATION METHODOLOGY 30 III.3.1 Determining Requirements 30 III.3.2 Understanding the existing system 31 III.5 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MIGRATION METHODOLOGY 35 III.5.1 Advantages of migration methodology 35 III.5.2 Disadvantages of migration methodology 35 CHAPTER IV: QUALITY OF SERVICES, TEST AND ANALYSIS 37 IV.2.2 Applications and Services 38 IV.4.1 Dual Stack technique 40 IV.5.1 Ping Results of Network test lab 43 IV.5.2 Netwrok test lab Telnet results 45 IV.5.3 Network test lab Analysis 46 IV.6.1 Install IPv6 on Windows XP 51 IV.6.2 Uninstall IPv6 on Windows XP 54 IV.6.3 Difference between an IPv4 and an IPv6 system with Windows XP 55 IV.7 VERIFICATION OF HYPOTHESIS 58 CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 59 |