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Using motivational activities to prompte oral communication in efl classes in benin : case studies of some secondary schools in littoral region.

Université d'Abomey-Calavi - Licence 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

1.2 Purpose of the Study

Motivating students to learn for real-life just means to value speaking in our schools. Speaking is not valued as it should be in the teaching and evaluation of English teaching/learning in Beninese schools. In fact, teachers nearly take into account this skill in their language classes. Even when they teach it, the amount of time they allot to it and the quality of the work have much to be desired. In schools, during the listening activities, which are only when the teacher is reading a text or when he is speaking, students are only offered opportunities to listen to the teacher.

Pupils, who are taught English in such conditions, experience problems when they meet native speakers of English. In fact they see native speakers way of speaking totally different from their teachers' way. In order to give pupils opportunities to experience natives' pronunciation which is the authentic one, and therefore to improve their listening comprehension, I have suggested the use of `' games, English language immersion, a year abroad in an English speaking country etc...». Teachers in so doing, will motivate their students and will create more interactive and more exceptional learning condition.

Another purpose of my study is to show positive reinforcement tactics which can foster leaners to take an active part in the classroom speaking tasks. Precisely here, emphasis will be put on motivation which involves learners in discovering a sense of self-effort in their language acquisition. Consequently, learners exchange through this means will encourage their speaking skills.

In addition, my study projects to help teachers of English become aware of pre-communicative tasks in the English classroom. In other words, focus must not only be on grammar and lexicon of English, but also on how the language is used to communicate meaning through dialogues and simple interactive activities. For that objective, time allocated to conversation may be diminished so as to give learners opportunities to interact and to be successful in their conversation.


1.3 Research Questions

The goal of this research work is to find answers to these questions:

1- What are the strategies known by English teachers that can help their learners to master oral practice in English ?

2- How can the teacher use the proposed strategies to facilitate effective speaking skills of intermediate students?

3- How far can learners benefit from the proposed strategies?

1.4 Significance of the study

The educational system nowadays is old-fashioned, inefficient and inappropriate to the actual need of our society. The significance of this study, lies in the fact that the results of my investigation give useful suggestions on how best the syllabi, the curricula, and the methodology can be reviewed in order to improve the teaching and learning of English as foreign language. It also provides the individuals and the educational authorities with useful information about recent research work in the same area. This work may also help future researchers.

In Benin, young students are able after six years of French study, to speak it. But as far as English language is concerned, learners are unable of speaking it even after seven years of study. English language is the dominant language of medicine, trade, advertisement, technology etc... Most valuable books are written or translated into English. In fact the Beninese English teachers' teaching materials are very often the English textbooks, a piece of chalk, a duster and a blackboard. They scarcely teach speaking skill in their classroom and the few time they do, the merely read the books for the pupils to listen. Most of the time English teachers in Benin are non-native speakers and thus speak English variously. Lessons are not based on the students need. Thereby, pupils at school are taught many `'English», depending on how many teachers they have had.


Students are shaken, and consequently at the end of their studies they are not trained enough to be able to hold a conversation in English language.

A study on `'using motivational activities to promote oral communication in EFL language classes in Benin» can be an important contribution, not only in the sillabi and curricula but also in the methodology used to teach foreign languages in Benin, namely English. First, my study will make learners and teachers aware of strategies which can help learners master lexical syntactic and phonological knowledge in oral practice. Teachers of English will be supplied with a certain organization of communicative activities. This organization will permit to learners to interact or to take an active part in English language learning. Teacher who most of the time imparts knowledge, must also become the organizer of the language tasks, the informant and the motivator, decentralizing his/her role and guiding his or her learners to gain a good knowledge of English.

précédent sommaire suivant

Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"I don't believe we shall ever have a good money again before we take the thing out of the hand of governments. We can't take it violently, out of the hands of governments, all we can do is by some sly roundabout way introduce something that they can't stop ..."   Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) en 1984