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Using motivational activities to prompte oral communication in efl classes in benin : case studies of some secondary schools in littoral region.

Université d'Abomey-Calavi - Licence 2019

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy




Language is the most important means of communication and interaction existing among human beings living either in the same or in the different areas. The globalization of economy and the increasing prosperity of the American economy make English the most spoken worldwide language. Then, in order to cooperate with the super-power, the United States of America, and to be informed about technical and scientific discoveries, every country worldwide feels the need to understand and speak English. Thus, Benin authorities, very soon found it necessary that English be part of the subjects taught in schools. At the university level, students choose freely to enroll for the English unit for further learning of such a target language. The training takes four years and consists of courses taught by lecturers. Language learning is a hard work. Effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time. Communicative strategies help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. They also help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to do so, they must understand what other are saying and have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information.

Unfortunately, in spite of the long years students spent learning English and even at the end of their studies, they have much difficulties in decoding English words uttered by English natives or people coming from an English speaking country. The English classes being held by English teachers who are most of the time non-native speakers of English, the way they pronounce English words reflects their mother tongues through the tone they use, their intonation, their speaking rate...etc. Indeed, the teaching of English in Benin schools, either at the secondary or University level, is affected or impoverished by many factors among which I have the non-existence of language laboratories, the lack of in-service training of the teacher and the lack of communicative strategies/tools.

Taking into account all those factors, the Beninese language learners may not be prepared enough to hold a conversation with native speakers of English. Indeed, the way English is taught in Benin schools does not enable the learners to decode easily formal


message from native speakers of English whose way of speaking is totally if not basically different from our own. The major difficulty that hinders a fluent inability conversation between native and non-native speakers of English is to speak with understanding one another. This kind of conversation always turns to be a dialogue of the deaf. Such a situation may be due to the methodology and materials used to teach English, and particularly speaking in English classes.

The main reason for choosing this topic for my bachelor thesis were realizing how important communication is in everyday situations. No matter where we are, either in Benin republic or in a foreign country, English conversation plays a crucial role in understanding each other and dealing with different kinds of uncovered problems. I mean, both EFL students and English teachers need English to communicate with their colleagues and near-native speakers for real communicative ability's performance.





In the current chapter, I present the purpose of the study, the statement of the problem, the significance of the study, the scope of the study and the research questions. As such, the chapter functions as the background of the study.

1.1 Statement of the problem

When I talk about teaching, I take into account the methods used to motivate students to learn. Most of the time teachers just come to their respective classes without any idea of how students would like to be taught, they teach English to students following the classical way of teaching. The classical method of teaching is full of grammatical rules imposed by English teachers that students should keep automatically in mind and apply them without even knowing the meaning of those rules, why they are necessary, and in what kind of situation they are going to use them. In short they do not know what they are learning.

An English teacher must be a facilitator for his students, he must show them a clearer way of understanding the new language taught without providing them with lots of useless rules. So, what I realized is that students do not really know the `'why» they are learning the language because basically teachers force them to learn what is unuseful to them. First of all classes should be students-centered so that they can get engaged in the course process and be active during the delivery of the lesson. Teachers should show students that they should learn English with goal, they should know why they are learning it, when goals are known by students, teachers must find a way to motivate them to learn the target language for achieving their respective goals in real-life.

Classroom observations, interviews and questionnaires realized for English teachers and students in some secondary schools( CEG Suru-Lere, CEG le Littoral) revealed that most students where taught English with the classical method where grammatical rules and the teacher's voice are most used. Students find it very difficult to hold a good conversation in English because they are not prepared to it, teachers should then apply good tests to motivate students to learn for real-life communication. Students should both know about grammar and communication in order to be able to defend themselves in real-life


communication. The main objective of this study is to tackle the issue of tests used in classes and to find solutions in order to better the teaching in schools.

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld