Econometric validity Test of multicollinearity
This test is to compare the coefficient of determination of
the model estimated to the coefficient of simple correlation of the explanatory
variables taken two by two. The simple correlation matrix of explanatory
variables (see Table 3, Appendix 7) shows that all correlation coefficients
between the explanatory variables of the model are actually lower than R².
So the variables of the model used are not collinear. Test of errors homoscedasticity White
Hypothesis testing is a follows:
H1: homoscedastic model
H2: heteroscedastic model
The model is homoscedastic if the two probabilities are all
greater than 5%.
Probability values are all greater than 5% (Table n°4,
Appendix 7) in this case the errors of the model are homoscedastic. ARCH
Hypothesis testing is as follows:
H1: homoscedastic errors
H2: heteroscedastic errors
The errors of the model are homoscedastic if the probabilities
are greater than 5%.
In this case, the two possibilities are greater than 5%. The
errors of the model are homoscedastic (table 5, Appendix 7);
Breusch - Godfirey Correlation test of errors
Hypothesis test is a follows:
H1: uncorrelated errors
H2: Correlated errors
We accept Ho if the probabilities are all greater than 5%.
Both probabilities being greater than 5 % (Table 6, appendix
8), ECM errors are uncorrelated. Estimates obtained by OLS are optimal.
Ramsey specification test
ECM has lagged variables, instead of the Durbin - Watson test,
it is rather that of Ramsey that will tell us if the model is well specified or
Hypothesis test is as follows:
H1: the model is well specified
H2: the model is not well specified.
We accept HO if the probability is greater than
50/0. The values of the two probabilities are greater
than 50/0 (Table7, Appendix 8); we accept HO; the model
is well specified.
Jarque - Bera test
The assumption of normality of the errors terms is essential
because it will classify the statistical distribution of the estimators. The
assumptions of the normality test are:
Hypothesis testing is as follows:
H1: the variables follow normal distribution N (m,
H2: the variables do not follow a normal distribution N (m,
In the threshold of 5%, we accept the hypothesis of normality
as soon as the value of probability is greater than 0.05%.
The value of probability is 0.606636 (Figure 9, Appendix 4).
The errors of the errors correction model thus follow a normal distribution.
In view of the foregoing, the model can be validated
Analysis of the Model's stability Cusum stability test
(Brown, Durbin, Ewans)
The Cusum stability test can detect structural instabilities
In this case, the curve is not outside the corridor (Figure
11, Appendix 5). Then, the model coefficients are stable. The estimated ECM is
then structurally stable.