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Public debt of Togo: an attempt to identify the explanatory factors

par Kokou Edem TENGUE
Université de Lomé - Doctorat 2021

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy Studies of series

The study of the stationarity of the variables, if necessary, their order of integration, is done in order to ensure reliable estimates. Study of the Stationarity of the series

The properties of time series of these data will be determined by the ADF test (Augmented Dickey-Fuller). Hypothesis testing is as follows:

H1: the process is non-stationary (presence of unit root)

H2: the process is stationary (no unit root)

The decision rule is to compare the test statistics ADF (ADF test statistics) to the critical value (critical value). If the ADF value is less than the critical value, then we accept the hypothesis of stationarity of the series.

ADF stationarity tests revealed that the variables LDTPIB, LDSEX, LMPIB, LTCH, LPCP and LPIBH are stationary in first differences. (Table 1, Appendix 6).

Given that all the series are not stationary there exists a possible co-integration between the integrated variables of the same order. Johansen co-integration test

A macroeconomic stationary series may be the result of a combination of non-stationary variables, hence the importance of the co-integration analysis. Since all variables are not integrated in same order, there is a possible co-integration. Let us do Johansen co-integration test (Table 2, Appendices 6 and 7)

Hypothesis testing is a follows:

H1: No co-integration (co-integration rank is zero)

H2: Co-integration rank higher than or equal to 1

LR: Likelihood ratio

CV: critical value

We accept the hypothesis of co-integration if LR is greater than CV. this means that if the co-integration rank is greater than or equal to one. We accept the hypothesis of co-integration.

We reject the hypothesis of co-integration otherwise.

Co-integration rank is 2; we accept the hypothesis of co-integration between the variables in the model at 5%. Choice of technique

The existence of a co-integration relationship between the variables makes it possible to estimate en error correction model (ECM).

The ECM is used to determine the dynamics of short and long-term relationship between the variables.

We will make an estimate of the error correction model the way of Hendry (estimated in one step) by the ordinary least squares method. (OLS)

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Les esprits médiocres condamnent d'ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée"   François de la Rochefoucauld