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Quantum key distribution theory and practice

( Télécharger le fichier original )
par Grace Mupoyi
African Institut for Mathematical Science - Master 2 2015

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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

5.2 Databases future work

The second point in this part will be related to the data, using a way of storage and some other notions study by many researchers for data. The main one is what we call databases. Its can be defined as a collection of element which are follow the same conditions like integrity and the data have an exhoustivity.

There exist two kinds of databases, relational and the decisional databases. The first one is related to some mathematics notions (Union,Intersection) and to build it we need to use the MERISE method or UML. But MERISE is enough to build such thing and the second is so oriented decision for market battle and to build it, we must have firstly the operational database before the decisional.

A decisional Database have many subfield or spelling like a dataware house, data mining, data mark those database are oriented decision.

A Business Intelligence is the way that we use computing technologies spotting, digging-out and analyzing big data for business like a revenues products, costs and incomes. The B.I is caratecrize by historical off operation. The B.I is build for to give a best understanting in the market and the evolution or relationship between products.

5.2.1 Tolls of B.I. When we build a B.I for an structure, we are not again in relational area but we are in the decisional area. This area is called in other way DSS (i.e Decision System Support in short DSS). The general key categories of business Business Intelligence are:

1. Spreadsheets

2. Reporting and querying software



Section 5.2. Databases future work Page 31

Digital dashboards

5. Datamining

6. Data warehouse

7. Local information system

In all those tools listed for a BI, they have a same goal which is to help people to have a synthetique representation of the data in the entreprise, to select and present a usefull datas, provide easy consultation tool for users and to produce data according the need of users, Thus to take a decision.

To have a full B.I for example a data warehouse, we need to represent the informations in dimension and measure. Dimension is defined as a object that we need to get an information like date of production, designation of article, name of the establishment and the measure is the object in the entreprise which is reprensented in term of quantity like price, amounts. The representation of the data for taking the decision by the decider is in cube. The need of B.I are related to the diversification of the entrenprise, different place in the country or outside. Let show a example of cube. In this part of our these, we are not going to speak about all notions related to B.I but our goal is to find a way using a tool of quantum cryptography the QKD precisely, to make secure a B.I for all Data Base Management System. As you

Figure 5.6: Data cube

can see in this figure, we can have many dimensions in the B.I that are according to the need of the entreprise and this allows for the entreprise to stay competitive in the market. To build a data cube, firstly we need to have a knowledge in how to construct an operation data base, the use of UML8 with all details diagrams and so on. The notion of how to build a operator database you can read those books [Bar05], [GG08] and for building the cube you can find more details and understand the notion of measure and dimension in [KR02]. With a data cube, we can do operations like,zoom up and zoom down. The B.I have three main steps for the data to be analysed. We will see it in the next figure and try to explain the functionality of all the part briefly and for us, will be focus on an element in the B.I architecture not all elements but just one element where we will try to figure out our assumption for applying QKD in all DSS like oracle, SQL-Server, PostGre.

In this picture, we can see the full steps follow by datas before the decider have information which he needs and starts to decide.

8UML : Unifield Modeling language

Section 5.2. Databases future work Page 32

Figure 5.7: B.I Architecture

For us, the main thing is to describe the object ETL where we will study deeply the composition of ETL and try to propose a new application of QKD in Business Inteligence.

As a definition, ETL (Extract-Transform-Load ) is an intelligent informatic technology which provide a massive a sychronization of information from one entite to another. The letter of ETL is define like :

1. Extracts : To extract the data from homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources

2. Transform : To transform the data for storing it in proper format or structure for querying and analysis propose.

3. Load : The load is for the final target where the data must reach its can be a data mark, an operational data store, or a data warehouse

We know that many structures have a need for security. As we show it in our thesis, a quantum cryptographic cryptosystem provide an unconditional security. In our future work, we want to go deeply in this topic and try to propose a new kind of business intelligence which can be called a Q.B.I (Quuantum Business Intelligence). The integration of a QKD in the B.I can be done in ETL because in that element we have three operations which is Reading, Mapping and Writting.


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Bitcoin is a swarm of cyber hornets serving the goddess of wisdom, feeding on the fire of truth, exponentially growing ever smarter, faster, and stronger behind a wall of encrypted energy

"Piètre disciple, qui ne surpasse pas son maitre !"   Léonard de Vinci