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De l'influence des green nudges sur les problèmes environnementaux( Télécharger le fichier original )par Romain Vasseur, Pierre DEMARIA, Hugo COTTRELL, Sanda PASCARU, Mamadi KAMARA Université Paris Sud (11) - Licence 3 Economie Appliquée 2017 |
BibliographieSebastian Berger, »The Power of the Nudge to Change Our Energy Future», Scientific America, 29/12/2015 Cialdini R.B. et al. (1990), »A focus theory of normative conduct: Recycling the concept of norms to reduce littering in public places», Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. (58)6 Chouteau (2015), »Les nudges, du concept à la mise en oeuvre» Centre d'analyse stratégique, directeur de la publication Vincent Chriqui, (2011), »Nudges verts»: de nou- velles incitations pour des comportements écologiques. 15 Christophe Demarque, Laetitia Charalambides, Denis J.Hilton, Laurent Waroquier, (2015) »The use of descriptive norms to promote a minority behavior in a realistic online shopping environment», »Journal of Environmental Psychology» Goldstein N.J. et al. (2008), »A room with a viewpoint: Using social norms to motivate environmental conservation in hotels», Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 35(3) Nolan J. et al. (2008), »Normative social influence is underdetected», Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, vol. 34. Schultz P.W. (1998), »Changing behavior with normative feedback interventions: A field experiment on curbside recycling», Basic and Applied Social Psychology, vol. 21(1) Eric Singer (2015), »Green Nudge, réussir à changer les comportements pour changer la planète», Pearson France Richard Thaler, Cass Sunstein (2008), »Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness» Fawaz Teffahi, »Canibal veut rendre le recyclage ludique», L'Express Entreprise, 22/08/2014 6. Annexes _u Friday March 17 15:16:39 2017 Page 1 (R) /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ Statistics/Data Analysis
User: onj Project: inj 1.0000 scoreenvir voussentez~l 0.5673 1.0000 /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ 12.0 Copyright 1985-2011 StataCorp LP Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp 4905 Lakeway Drive Special Edition College Station, Texas 77845 USA 800-STATA-PC http://www.stata.com 979-696-4600 stata@stata.com 979-696-4601 (fax) Single-user Stata network perpetual license: Serial number: 93611859953 Licensed to: Kamara Mamadi MK-00 Notes: 1. (/v# option or -set maxvar-) 5000 maximum variables 1 . use " C:\Users\mamad\Desktop\Economie de l'environnement\Exposé économie de l'environnement\ex 2 . do " C:\Users\mamad\AppData\Local\Temp\STD01000000.tmp" 3 . reg scoreenvir age voussentezvousconcernparlesprobl visionéco3 visionéco5 visionéco6 visionéc
4 . corr scoreenvir voussentezvousconcernparlesprobl (obs=253) scoree~r vousse~l _u Friday March 17 15:16:40 2017 Page 2
scoreenvir Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interv voussentezvousconcernparlesprobl _cons 2.944926 .269862 10.91 0.000 2.413443 3.476 7.128082 2.036919 3.50 0.001 3.116452 11.13 6 . alpha scorerecycl scorecomp scorelabel scoretravail Test scale = mean(unstandardized items) Average interitem covariance: 1.083668 Number of items in the scale: 4 Scale reliability coefficient: 0.6434 7 . gen scorerecycl2= 2* scorerecycl 8 . gen scorelabel2 =2.5* scorelabel 9 . gen scoretravail2= 2* scoretravail 10 . alpha scorerecycl2 scorelabel2 scoretravail2 scorecomp Test scale = mean(unstandardized items) Average interitem covariance: 3.475949 Number of items in the scale: 4 Scale reliability coefficient: 0.6424 11 . reg scoreenvir age voussentezvousconcernparlesprobl visionéco3 visionéco5 visionéco6 visionéc
_u Friday March 17 15:16:40 2017 Page 3 12 . alpha scorerecycl2 scorelabel2 scoretravail2 scorecomp, std item label Test scale = mean(standardized items) item-test item-rest interitem
13 . end of do-file 14 . User: Romain Vasseur ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ (R) /__ / ____/ / ____/ ___/ / /___/ / /___/ 12.0 Copyright 1985-2011 StataCorp LP Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp 4905 Lakeway Drive Special Edition College Station, Texas 77845 USA 800-STATA-PC http://www.stata.com 979-696-4600 stata@stata.com 979-696-4601 (fax) Single-user Stata network perpetual license: Serial number: 93611859953 Licensed to: Romain Vasseur Notes: 1. (-set maxvar-) 5000 maximum variables 1 . use "/Users/Romain/Desktop/Projet eco environnement/Expose_eco_environnement.dta" 2 . gen travailecolo1=9*travailecolo 3 . gen infoecolo=9*infoeco 4 . gen clima=9*climatique 5 . gen alibio=9*bio 6 . gen recycle=2.25*recyclage 7 . gen visioneco=9*vision 8 . alpha travailecolo1 infoecolo clima alibio recycle visioneco recycle moyen concerne engager, std item l > l Test scale = mean(standardized items)
9 . 10 . gen idf1=0 if dpt==1 (226 missing values generated)
User: Romain Vasseur 11 . replace idf1=0 if dpt==10 (15 real changes made) 12 . replace idf1=0 if dpt==. (1 real change made) 13 . replace idf1=1 if idf1==. (210 real changes made) 14 . reg score2 age femme sport polvert etudiant transportcommun culturelle association idf1,level(90)
15 .