I. General introduction and understanding of the
purpose of the Interview: Your vision of tourism in general, mass tourism and
The perception of mass tourism:
Q1: What do you think of mass tourism?
Q2: On a scale of 1 to 4, describe your feeling of belonging to
this type of tourism?
The perception of eco-tourism:
Q3: What do you think of eco-tourism?
The perception of tourism:
Q4: How do you interpret tourism today (in the 21st century)?
How would you describe it (in what
Q5: What do you mean by "going on holiday»? Tourist
Q6: What types of travel do you do? (Key words:
Culture-oriented, relaxation, sport ...?)
Q7: Can you describe your typical trip in a few sentences? (Step
by step) (Key words: Transport,
Accommodation, Location, Activities ...)
Q8: What types of travel do you prefer?
Q9: How many trips have you made? (Approximately)
Q10: What is the approximate duration of your trips?
II. Questions on tourism in Europe: Your vision of
tourism in Europe
Expectations regarding travel:
Q11: What are your expectations when travelling in Europe? (Key
words: Comfort, Luxury, Discovery, Adventure, Relaxation ...)?
Q12: What is/are the decisive criterion(s) for you in choosing
your destination? (Key words: Price, Location, Distance...)?
What makes a travel destination attractive to you (that attracts
you, that catches your eye)? Evaluation of tourism
Q14: What is your mobility during your stay? (Key words: Rather
sedentary or mobile)
Q15: What tourist activities would you like to do during your
trip (Key words: museum, swimming pool, hiking, visits, restaurant, etc.)?
Q16: On a scale of 1 to 4, how would you rate your attraction to
popular tourist places (Key words: Venice, Amsterdam etc...)? Why do you think
Q17: How many countries have you visited in Europe? The
use of means of transport:
Q18: What means of transport do you use most of the time when
travelling? Why do you use this type of transport?
Q19: What is/are the most important criterion(s) in choosing
your means of transport? (Key words: Price, speed, carbon emission, comfort
Q20: On a scale of 1 to 4, at what level would you be willing to
use a slower mode of transport to improve your carbon footprint? (1=very low,
2=low, 3=high, 4=very high)
III. Questions on eco-tourism in Europe: Your vision of
Evaluation of eco-tourism knowledge and
Q21: Have you ever practised eco-tourism? If so, could you
briefly describe your trip (Key words: with whom, when, destination,
activities, why...)? If not, why?
Q22: On a scale of 1 to 4, describe your feeling of belonging to
this type of tourism? The evaluation of eco-tourism
Q23: What do you think are the behaviours to adopt during an
eco-responsible trip?
Q24: In your opinion, what are the typical activities related to
Q25: What would be the advantages of undertaking an
eco-responsible trip? What would be the disadvantages?
Awareness of eco-tourism:
Q26: On a scale of 1 to 4, evaluate the spontaneous
consideration of environmental protection in your sightseeing trip? Why this
Q27: On a scale of 1 to 4, evaluate the spontaneous
consideration of the socio-economic benefits of local communities? Why this
Eco-tourism and its reach in Europe:
Q28: What is your opinion on the knowledge of European citizens
about eco-tourism (very low, low, high, very high)?
Q29: What is your opinion on the frequency of ecotourism travel
in Europe (very low, low, high, very high)?
Q30: On a scale of 1 to 4, how would you rate the average level
of awareness of the European population on this subject? Why is this?
Q31: In your opinion, what would be the most effective ways to
promote eco-tourism in Europe on the supply side (Key words: Travel agency,
Tourist office)? On the demand side (Key word: Citizens)?
IV. Questions on tourism in Europe and its evolution:
Your vision for the future of European tourism
The evolution of European tourism and eco-tourism in the
Q32: How do you foresee the evolution of European tourism in the
coming years?
Q33: Evaluate the chances for eco-tourism to become a sustainable
alternative to mass tourism in Europe in the coming years? In 5 years, 10 years
and 20 years? (In percentage)
Ideas on sustainable measures and means to be put in
place on the European continent:
Q34: What measures can we put in place to move towards
sustainable tourism (rules, taxes etc.)?
Q35: What means can we put in place to move towards sustainable
tourism (innovations, developments etc...)?
Q36: What behaviours should we adopt to move towards sustainable
Q37: On a scale of 1 to 4, evaluate the idea of including in the
school curriculum an awareness of ecology? Why this figure?
V. End of interview
Conclusion of the interview and thanks: Thanks,
and remarks by the interviewee
Thank you for the time you devoted to the interview! Your
interview is precious, it will allow me to develop and finalise the writing of
my dissertation.
Anhang C: Ergebnisse und Statistiken der qualitativen